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US Coronavirus: The country may be around the corner of Covid-19.Experts say it was here that we could see the incidents and deaths plummet.

US Coronavirus: The country may be around the corner of Covid-19.Experts say it was here that we could see the incidents and deaths plummet.


Dr. Jonathan Reiner, a professor of medicine and surgery at George Washington University, told CNN on Sunday. “The important statistic to consider is … what percentage of the adult population has been vaccinated at least once.”

According to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 58% of US adults and about 46% of the country’s total population receive at least one Covid-19 vaccination. Over 34% of the US population is fully vaccinated. CDC data shows..

When the country exceeds the 60% mark of American adults with at least one dose, Reiner says the number of Covid-19 is likely to begin to plummet.

“By the end of May, we expect a dramatic reduction in daily cases and ultimately a very low death toll,” he said.

Other experts also predict that life will look more normal even if the United States has not yet reached it. “Herd immunity” -If enough people are immune to the virus, either by vaccination or by a previous infection, to suppress the spread of the virus.

Dr. Anthony Fauci estimates that about 70-85% of people need to be immune in order for the country to reach “full protection,” he told CNN at the end of last month. It was.

“But even before that, we’ll reach a point where we’ll see a dramatic decrease in the number of cases as more people get vaccinated,” Forch said at the time.

Pedestrians will pass in front of the signs at the Covid-19 vaccination site in New York on April 30th.

“We are around the corner”

This is down from January, when the United States recorded an average of more than 251,000 Covid-19 cases over a 7-day period and an average of more than 3,400 Covid-19 deaths over a 7-day period.

Whitehouse Covid-19 Response Coordinator Jeffrey Seiens told CNN on Sunday, “I think we’re around the corner.” Emphasized that it is important for Americans to continue to be vaccinated..
Top White House Covid officials urge Americans to follow expert guidance as vaccination slows
Last week, President Joe Biden set a new goal of giving at least one Covid-19 vaccine. By July 4, 70% of American adults. The goal is that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is nearing realization. Expanded Emergency Use Authorization for Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccine Children aged 12 to 15 are included on Mondays.

“It was a relatively easy decision,” Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, the FDA’s department for regulating vaccines, told reporters Monday night.

It is the first Covid-19 vaccine in the United States and is approved for use by teens and adolescents. The vaccine was previously approved for people over the age of 16.

The Moderna and Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccines are only approved for use by people over the age of 18.

Expanding authorization to children between the ages of 12 and 15 will give an additional 5% of the US population, or nearly 17 million people, the Covid-19 vaccine. Increased approval means that 85% of the US population is eligible for the Covid-19 vaccine.

The CDC Immunization Advisory Board will meet on Wednesday to advise the CDC on whether to recommend the use of vaccines in this age group. CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky decides whether the agency will recommend the use of the vaccine in a new group.

Vaccinations between the ages of 12 and 15 are not expected to begin until the recommendation is issued, but may begin on Thursday, according to FDA officials.

The Byden administration has stated that it will expedite the preparation of vaccinations between the ages of 12 and 15 through federal pharmacy programs, pediatricians and family doctors.

Pfizer said last week In September, we plan to ask the FDA for an emergency permission to use the Covid-19 vaccine for children aged 2 to 11 years. Research into the safety and efficacy of vaccines in children aged 6 months to 11 years is underway.

Authorities are still facing a difficult battle with vaccination

But experts say they administer higher doses It ’s going to be a difficult battle now, Officials try to reach an audience who is not so enthusiastic about the shot or may still be trying to access.

“Before us, there is a way to make people more easily accessible to vaccines, to build confidence, and to allow people who have questions about vaccines to answer their questions. And we. But … do this in a fair and equitable way. “

The City of Los Angeles recently announced a new initiative to make the Covid-19 vaccine more accessible. Announce that it offers From Monday, all sites will be vaccinated without reservation and two more night vaccination clinics will be opened.

In a statement, Mayor Eric Garcetti said, “We are at an important time in the fight to end this pandemic, and our city will do everything possible to break down the barriers to access to vaccines. I will continue to do that. ”

Failure to reach herd immunity by the fall can have disastrous consequences, medical experts say.
Some experts say that the country Not enough Americans have been vaccinated. If enough people are vaccinated, it is unlikely that the United States will see a comparable Covid-19 surge last fall and winter, Fauci said in an interview with NBC News’ Meet the Press. Stated.

“You may see a blip, but if you handle it well, you’re unlikely to see the spikes you’ve seen in late fall and early winter,” Forch said.

He added that the more Americans vaccinated, the less likely the United States will experience a larger surge after the fall and winter cycle.

“That’s why vaccination is so important.”

It’s time to rethink the obligations of indoor masks, officials say

So far, with the help of vaccination, the risk of Covid-19 has been significantly reduced, and it’s time to begin removing the requirement for indoor masks in some parts of the country, said former FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb. Stated.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Complex Calculations for Wearing Masks

“Covid will never disappear. We will need to learn to live with Covid,” he told CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday. “I think we are at a point where we can start lifting these ordinances … and people need to take precautions based on their individual risks … and they avoid the crowd. Decide whether to wear a mask or based on their situation. “

He added that officials should no longer impose restrictions on field meetings, but instead encourage people to spend more time in the field.

“The public must trust that public health authorities lift these restrictions as soon as they are enforced as the situation improves,” he added.

Fauci also told ABC News that it might be time to rethink the obligations of indoor masks.

“As more people get vaccinated, we need to start becoming more liberal,” Forch said on Sunday. But he added that the country still has a long way to go when it comes to withdrawing the Covid-19 case.

“When it gets lower, the risk of indoor or outdoor infections is dramatically reduced.”

CNN’s Naomi Thomas, Lauren Mascarenhas, Deidre McPhillips, and Keith Allen contributed to this report.


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