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New York needs to follow the CDC and relax the mask rules, Karan says

New York needs to follow the CDC and relax the mask rules, Karan says
New York needs to follow the CDC and relax the mask rules, Karan says


Nassau County executive Laura Curran called on New York State on Friday to adopt the latest CDC guidelines that allow vaccinated residents to generally stop using masks.

However, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has not decided whether to adopt the guidelines in New York, and the Governor of New Jersey said he would not adopt them immediately on Friday.

Long Islanders, interviewed by Newsday, also said that the state seemed to be divided on whether to follow the guidelines and was not ready to give up the mask.

In a statement, Karan said, “New York states require people who have been fully vaccinated with COVID to wear masks indoors or outdoors or to be physically distanced in almost all situations. We need to immediately adopt the CDC guidance that we will be gone. We will return to normal life. “

The new guidelines were published Thursday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In New Jersey, Democratic Governor Phil Murphy said on Friday that his state’s Maskman date would remain the same. Massachusetts also maintains mask requirements for now.

Michigan, Nevada, Oregon, Ohio, Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Kentucky, Washington, Maine, Vermont, Connecticut, North Carolina, Kansas, Colorado The state, Rhode Island, announced plans to immediately comply with CDC guidance on Friday. Or in the coming weeks, the Associated Press reported.

Some officials said the updated guidelines have been postponed for a long time and are appropriate as they help signal the arrival of a more normal sensation and reduce COVID-19 cases and mortality. ..

The state-wide daily positive level in the test from Thursday was 1.01%, the lowest since October 10, as state data released on Friday showed. The 7-day average was 1.22%, the lowest since October 19th.

However, some argued that the new guidelines would be confusing, as unvaccinated people could behave like themselves and refuse to wear facial covers. They also argued that it was premature to throw away the mask because the virus was not punched out and could mutate.

Guidelines can cause problems for shopkeepers because it is impossible for shopkeepers to know which customers are not vaccinated and should wear masks. Asking customers can be a hassle, especially for companies that are still struggling to get out of the pandemic that has devastated their bottom line.

A total of 25 people died Thursday due to virus-related causes, including one each in Suffolk and Nassau, across the state.

The relaxed rules require the use of masks and social distance when traveling by plane, train, bus, and when traveling in medical facilities, prisons, homeless shelters. However, they represent a major turning point in the country’s fight against the virus for over a year.

“Once fully vaccinated, you can take off your mask two weeks after your last dose,” CDC director Rochelle Warrensky said at a virtual press conference held by the White House on Thursday.

In a Rose Garden speech, President Joe Biden called the new rule a “great milestone.”

Mr Cuomo said Thursday that a state decision would be made soon. “In New York, we have always relied on facts and science to overcome the worst of this pandemic and successfully resume it,” he said.

He did not comment on the issue on Friday. Neither did Suffolk County executive Steve Bellone.

A blacksmith bakery, a company on Long Beach, has already faced some confusion and criticism after beginning to ask customers to follow new relaxed mask wearing guidelines.

A black sign with white letters on Instagram indicates that you need a mask or proof of vaccine to enter. Alternatively, you can wait for the customer from the take-out window.

“We all want to be safe,” co-owner Mike Smith said Friday. “There is a lot of backlash. Nowadays everyone seems to be a bully.”

Some social media posts questioned whether fake vaccination cards could be used. Another suspicious vaccine worked.

Other long islanders seemed to have different views on the CDC guidelines.

Some people took off their masks at Eisenhower Park on Friday, but a Newsday interviewer said he wasn’t ready to give up protection.

“Personally, I will continue to wear the mask,” said Roosevelt’s Kimeka Reed.

“I can’t see the mask outside, which means I have to be a little careful inside,” said Dan Carbonare of Levittown, who has been vaccinated.

“I’m still nervous. I have to tell you. I’m still holding the mask for a while,” said Dr. Bruce Hirsch of Northwell Health, an infectious disease expert.

The latest COVID-19 index shows the state’s continued decline, with numbers approaching last summer’s lows.

The 7-day average was 1.07% in Long Island and 1.04% in New York City. The number of newly confirmed cases was 112 in Nassau, 134 in Suffolk, and 802 in New York City.

The state continued to promote vaccination campaigns. According to Cuomo, 140,551 shots have been administered in the last 24 hours and 911,013 shots have been administered in the last 7 days.

A total of 17.3 million bullets were administered in the state. Approximately 61.2% of New Yorkers over the age of 18 have been vaccinated at least once, and 51% have been fully vaccinated.

Meanwhile, Karan has introduced legislation to crack down on people who use, sell and buy fake vaccination cards, she said in a statement Friday.

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