High blood pressure and cholesterol can be lowered by exercise
According to new guidelines from the American Heart Association, daily exercise can lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
The association advised that people with mild to moderate high blood pressure and high cholesterol can lower their blood pressure by exercising.
Bethany Barone Gibbs, lead author of AHA’s scientific statement and associate professor of health and human development at the University of Pittsburgh, says that people do not have to have intense sessions in the gym, and clinical and translation science.
“It’s great to exercise in a planned manner, but if you become more active in your daily life, you can get the same effect, such as climbing stairs or increasing your pace while walking your dog. “Gibbs said.
Physical activity helps train the body to eliminate harmful substances in the bloodstream and improves vascular function, she added.
What seems too expensive
The number at the top is called systolic blood pressure, and according to AHA, it indicates the pressure that blood exerts on the arterial wall as the heart beats. The bottom number is diastolic blood pressure, which is a measure of the pressure that blood exerts on the arterial wall during the beating of the heart.
Gibbs recommends total cholesterol levels below 200 mg / dL (measured in milligrams per liter of blood).The number is yours Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) “bad” cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) “good” cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.
The new AHA statement recommends lifestyle changes for people with mild to moderate high blood pressure and cholesterol, but everyone can benefit from increased exercise.
If your blood pressure is 120 or higher, your cholesterol level is 80 mmHg or higher, and your cholesterol level is 200 mg / dL or higher, your healthcare provider is likely to prescribe medication in addition to a “well-structured program of physical activity and exercise.” He said.
For those who are uneasy It’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about what is the best treatment for them and make a personalized plan.
The current guidance states that Gibbs should have at least 150 minutes of activity per week and enough exercise to increase heart rate and breathing frequency.
How to include physical activity in a day
“Exercise for 5 to 10 minutes a day is a very small investment in time and can bring significant health benefits,” she said.
“Personally, I do 50 weight squats while brushing my teeth twice a day and 10 push-ups just before taking a shower.
Elderly people who live a sedentary lifestyle should try to exercise for a couple of minutes an hour, Santa says.
As a fun activity, Santas suggested having a personal dance party and moving along with their favorite songs.
“Better yet, invite friends and family to dance with you and share your health benefits,” she added.
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