Damage has been reported while an earthquake measuring 5.4 degrees Puerto Rico hit
City workers wearing masks as a precaution against the spread of the new coronavirus, clearing debris from a 5.4-magnitude earthquake in Ponce, Puerto Rico, Saturday, May 2, 2020. The earthquake struck near southern Puerto Rico, shaking many of their families on an island where some remain People in shelters from previous earthquakes earlier this year. (AP Photo / Carlos Giusti) A resident, wearing a protective face mask as a precaution against the spread of the new coronavirus, depicts images of damage caused by a 5.4-magnitude earthquake, in Ponce, Puerto Rico, Saturday, May 2, 2020 The earthquake struck near southern Puerto Rico, shook Many of their family are on an island where some people are still in shelters from previous earthquakes earlier this year. (AP Photo / Carlos Giusti) A resident wearing a protective face mask as a precaution against the spread of the new coronavirus while looking at damage from a 5.4-magnitude earthquake in Ponce, Puerto Rico, Saturday, May 2, 2020. The earthquake struck near southern Puerto Rico, shaking many of their families On an island where some people are still in shelters from previous earthquakes earlier this year. (AP Photo / Carlos Giusti) City workers, wearing protective masks as a precaution against the spread of the new coronavirus, remove debris from a 5.4-magnitude earthquake in Ponce, Puerto Rico, Saturday, May 2, 2020. The earthquake struck near southern Puerto Rico, and shook many of their families On an island where some people are still in shelters from previous earthquakes earlier this year. (AP Photo / Carlos Giusti) Residents wearing protective masks as a precaution against the spread of the new coronavirus create photos of damage caused by a 5.4-magnitude earthquake in Ponce, Puerto Rico, Saturday, May 2, 2020. An earthquake struck near southern Puerto Rico, and shook many of their families in An island where some people remain in shelters from previous earthquakes earlier this year. (AP Photo / Carlos Giusti)
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.4 struck near southern Puerto Rico on Saturday, briefly causing power outages and shook many of their families on an island where some people are still in shelters from previous earthquakes earlier this year.
There were no immediate reports of injuries.
The US Geological Survey said the earthquake struck a shallow depth of 5.6 kilometers (nine kilometers) near Ponce and the towns of Guanica and Guianaela, where the earthquake destroyed hundreds of homes in early January and killed one person and caused millions of dollars in damage.
The spokeswoman, Ennis Rivera, told the Associated Press that reports of damage were still escalating on Saturday, when at least one balcony of two floors was destroyed in the southern city of Ponce. Meanwhile, cracks in homes were reported in Guayanilla.
“Everything has been severely shaken,” spokesman Danny Hernandez said by phone.
Meanwhile, the mayor of Santos Sida told the Associated Press, in Guanica, that no major damage had been reported so far, but noted that between 5 and 10 people were still shelter since the 6.4-magnitude earthquake that struck. In January.
He said: “Thank God everyone is fine.” “The infrastructure is already weak.”
Several aftershocks struck Puerto Rico’s southern region, including a force of 4.9 degrees.
Victor Horivano, Director of the Earthquake Network in Puerto Rico, said in a telephone interview that while it is understood that many people are afraid and surprised by the recent earthquake, it is not unusual given the seismic activity that started in the region in late December.
“In the long run, this is decreasing, but you can have peaks,” he said, adding that he expected strong aftershocks to continue.
The earthquake occurred when Puerto Ricans ordered to stay indoors as part of a two-month closure to help curb coronavirus infections. The government tweeted Wanda Vasquez on Twitter that rescue crews were deployed throughout the area and that she would soon travel there to meet affected people personally.
“If your infrastructure is damaged, you should leave with a face mask and an emergency backpack,” she said, urging people to remain calm.
But nerves are already tense in many parts of the island as Puerto Rico continues to recover from Hurricane Maria, and a series of strong earthquakes and coronavirus. Sylvester Alicia, a 67-year-old man who returned to Puerto Rico from New York after his retirement, lost his home in the January earthquake and still lives with his sister in Guanica.
“This is unrealistic,” he said, adding that some neighbors had left the area to stay with relatives elsewhere and that many, including the security guard who worked all night, were now sitting nervously on their balcony. “He did not sleep.”
However, Alicia said he decided to destroy two breads from a nearby tree while the aftershocks continued: “I am taking it easy. There is nothing else you can do.”
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