Why A Quiet Place 2 kills Djimon Hounsou so quickly
Why does Djimon Hounsou have such a minor role in A Quiet Place Part II? Here’s why her character increases the suspense and helps set up a third film.
WARNING: Spoilers forA Quiet Place, Part II.
Why does Djimon Hounsou have such a minor role inA Quiet Place, Part II? Previously, the acclaimed actor received Oscar nominations for performances inIn America and Blood diamond, but doesn’t even get a proper name in John Krasinski’s sequel in 2021. It turns out that the character from Hounsou’s Man on Island could be the main protagonist (or villain) of the franchise’s third installment.
InA Quiet Place, Part II, Hounsou first appears shortly after a cryptic marina streak. Regan Abbott (Millicent Simmonds) and his surviving companion Emmett (Cillian Murphy) plan to travel to an island to transmit feedback from a radio tower using Regan’s hearing aid, which will theoretically stun monsters and will make it easier to kill – especially since they are unable to swim. Actor Scoot McNairy briefly appears as “Marina Man,” an implied zombie-like cannibal who attacks Regan in A quiet place 2before being killed by two alien invaders. When Emmett and Regan escape to the island, they meet the character of Hounsou, who rules a colony of survivors and is eventually attacked (and presumably killed) by a monster that has drifted towards the island.
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Hounsou’s lack of screen time inA Quiet Place, Part II subverts expectations. Many viewers will immediately recognize the actor and may even wonder if he will be a part of future episodes of the franchise, which makes his death scene so viscerally punchy. Krasinski doesn’t technically kill Hounsou’s character but instead forces audiences to contemplate his fate. For those unfamiliar with Hounsou as a performer, the character’s amiable demeanor in A quiet place 2allows viewers to empathize with him when a monster arrives on the island and drives him away.
Most likely, Hounsou has little screen time inA Quiet Place, Part II because its backstory will be explored in the third installment of the franchise. Filmmaker Jeff Nichols has already completed the screenplay of aQuiet place3/ spin off; It has been revealed that the third film won’t necessarily be a direct sequel but rather an upcoming installment that will expand the universe. Hounsou and the aforementioned McNairy have enough talent and power to headline a potential film, and their characters would potentially have more screen time in the franchise’s third film.
A quiet place 2establishes McNairy’s Marina Man as a minor villain, as well as Hounsou’s Man on Island as a minor hero, which ultimately could be the wrong narrative focus. The sequel implies that the government transported two boats of survivors to the island and that an unknown tragedy left other boats in place. SinceA Quiet Place, Part II does not explain what happened, the public is led to believe that McNairy’s group has become cannibals, apparently the result of illness and deteriorating health, while Hounsou’s group has developed his own company on the island. Given Nichols’ filmography, his upcoming Quiet Place story could very well explore the subplot of the boat people and what really happened in their interactions with the island’s survivors.
More: A Quiet Place 2: All 6 Possible Movies It Sets Up
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About the Author
QV Hough (1820 published articles)
QV Hough is a senior screenwriter at Screen Rant. He is also the founding editor-in-chief of Wave Faces and has contributed to RogerEbert.com and Fandor.
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