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Calling “Survival County” on Cancer Survivor Day

Calling “Survival County” on Cancer Survivor Day


Amie <0xC3><0xC3><0x93> Bric will never forget May 31, 2016.

It was that day that she was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. The news overwhelmed her, she says. Her life has “completely collapsed.”

We celebrated our fifth anniversary last Monday, and Amie is still by our side. In fact, she and her husband, Cormac, climbed Mount Carrauntoohil to celebrate the date.

Not surprisingly, she didn’t see things that way when she was diagnosed in 2016, but every day is a celebration for Amie and her family.

Amie and her husband climbed Carrauntoohil last weekend and raised € 2,000
For groundbreaking cancer research

“At the time, I was a young mother with two children, but I was overwhelmed,” Amie recalls. “My life has changed completely. In September a little girl started going to school and I was saying,’Success or are you there for her?’ Overcoming that and being here today is to share my story and it with you. “

Amie’s voice is cracked, recalling those days in 2016.

Because today is National Cancer Survivor Day, a day to celebrate the survival of cancer, and five years after the date of diagnosis, Amy is a survivor.

She is part of a growing club.

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HSE describes cancer survivors as living “with and beyond cancer.” People with some of the more common cancers, such as breast and prostate cancer, have a 5-year survival rate of over 8%, and currently about 4% of the population are cancer survivors. ..

HSE predicts that the number of Irish cancer survivors will double over the next 25 years, primarily due to early detection, new developments and improved more effective treatments.

According to the National Cancer Registry Ireland, there are approximately 200,000 cancer survivors in Ireland. In fact, if all the cancer survivors here lived in one county, the population would be the same as that of Kildare, Meath, Cork City, or Limerick.

Breakthrough Cancer Research is an Irish medical research charity focused on cancer.

Orla Dolan, CEO of Breakthrough Cancer Research

Today, it is calling on the Irish Prime Minister to designate the 33rd county of Ireland, the Survivor’s County. This is a symbolic gesture and helps to emphasize a little positive news.

However, there are some important points. Although there are about 200,000 cancer survivors, Ireland still diagnoses 45,000 people with cancer each year and 9,000 die of the disease.

The trend is positive and survival rates are constantly improving, but many people are still dying of cancer.

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Breakthrough believes that the key to further improving survival is more investment by the government in cancer research and more voluntary donations from the general public.

Breakthrough Cancer Research’s call is to create more survivors and ensure that Ireland’s 33rd county grows fastest in the country.

Michael Healy of Bantry of Co Cork, Amie <0xC3><0xC3><0x93> Like Bric, you will be a resident of this iconic 33rd county.

In 2011, Michael was diagnosed with a rare cancer called peritoneal pseudomyxoma. Also called PMP for short, or appendiceal cancer.

Michael was referred to the United Kingdom because there was no cure for PMP in Ireland. He underwent 13 hours of surgery during which the colon, spleen, appendix and gallbladder were removed. He then spent five days in the intensive care unit and 17 days without food.

Recovery was a slow process and frequent fatigue.

“You really appreciate the little things in life, as we are here today, the chirping of birds, the sunshine, and your family, and how important they are to you. I’m

“Slowly but surely, you’ve increased the rate of walking every day,” recalls Michael’s recovery. “Over time, in my case it probably took me 12 months to get back to normal. I’m one of the lucky guys and I have a positive story.

Michael has been diagnosed for 10 years. He says he can eat what he likes and drink moderately. He walks and runs to stay healthy and is grateful for what he has.

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“I have to say that I have a second chance in my life. If I have a second chance in my life in my 50s, I have to grab it with both hands,” says Michael.

“You really appreciate the little things that are here today, the chirping of birds, the sunshine, and your family, and how important they are to you.”

Amy a Brick decided to raise her two children, now 9-year-old Chloe and 6-year-old Connor, with her husband Cormac early in 2016.

“I decided to be as positive as possible for my family,” she says. “I had good days and bad days, and I was thinking positively every day.”

“I decided to be as positive as possible for my family,” says Amy.

Amie regained the power of positive thinking last weekend and climbed Carrauntoohil with Cormac, raising € 2,000 for Breakthrough Cancer Research in the process.

“I’m here today to give people hope, to convey their positivity, to tell them to keep fighting, never give up, and to make more survivors,” she said. ..

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