Weight Loss Surgery in Mexico Will Be Deadly For Phoenix Women
Dulce Herrera had two dreams of helping her parents become US citizens and losing weight. Her parents say Herrera did some research on social media and found that a group of Facebook people she likes were considering performing weight loss surgery in Tijuana, Mexico.
“If she can hear me now, I’ll tell her not to do it,” said Maria Rodriguez, Elera’s mother.
After an online recommendation, Herrera traveled across the border for gastric bypass surgery.
Her parents say Herrera died in a Scottsdale hospital two weeks later.
“The doctor told us that the surgery in Mexico had a severe infection of the intestines,” said Jose Herrera.
Weight loss surgery is one of the top five medical treatments that Americans plan to perform in other countries like Mexico.
Relation: Tourists: Incoming and Outgoing
And that has to do with the cost, if a person doesn’t have medical insurance or it’s not covered, weight loss surgery comes with a $ 20,000 price tag.
Relation: for Weight Loss Surgery
Herrera’s family is now warning others about this treatment in other countries and how the consequences can be fatal.
“Do your research before you have major surgery in another country. You’re only alive once, so think twice,” Elera said.
Weight loss surgery is considered a major surgery and Dr. David Pearson of the Mayo Clinic explains how this procedure works.
“We perform surgery through a few small incisions in the abdomen. By doing this, we can basically create something that is a very small stomach for the patient.”
“We call it a stomach. Eventually it will have a capacity of about 30-50 milliliters.”
“We basically create a golf ball-sized stomach. In order for food to move downstream from this new small intestine, we lift the intestine and connect it to that bag. The intestine is further downstream and all digestive juices. When mixed with food, people can achieve good weight loss while having good nutrition. “
But Dr. Pearson says not everyone is a candidate. This surgery is an active step and only part of the treatment for people who suffer from chronic obesity for the rest of their lives.
Like any other major operation, it carries significant risks, but is rarely fatal.
“Fortunately, modern weight loss surgery is very safe and the risk of serious complications is actually very low when performed in an accredited center,” said Dr. Pearson. ..
Herrera’s parents do not know if her daughter has undergone certified weight loss surgery.
“All we can do is share our story. Maybe we can save someone else’s daughter,” Rodriguez said.
Dr. Pearson states that it is important to do extensive research, he recommends American College of Surgeons (ACS) Confirm Certification of US Weight Loss Surgery Center
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