Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Sunday that “Mann Ki Baat” in its 100-episode run featured stories of talented people in various fields, from promoting Atmanirbhar...
Jakarta: President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has congratulated Indonesian men’s badminton player Anthony Ginting for winning the men’s singles at the 2023 Asian Badminton Championships (BAC) in...
The UK Cyber Security Councilv has launched the first phase of an authentication mapping tool. Created to map all available cybersecurity certifications into the 16 specializations...
It didn’t take long for Debbie Duket to start making plans for her new home. First of all, I’m going to put everything in my kitchen...
Estimated reading time: 3-4 minutes HOUSTON It’s what every bride has nightmares about: a wedding dress that’s gone missing, stained or, in the case of New...
Risk taking has often favored the bold and Sundararaman Ramamurthy is BSE’s fiery new doctor and CEO who began his tenure with a disruptive move. Within...
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