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Longest-serving UK coronavirus patient dies aged 49 | Coronavirus

Longest-serving UK coronavirus patient dies aged 49 |  Coronavirus
Longest-serving UK coronavirus patient dies aged 49 |  Coronavirus


A man believed to be Britain’s longest-serving coronavirus patient has died after deciding to withdraw from treatment.

Jason Kelk, 49, was admitted to St Jamess University Hospital in Leeds after contracting Covid-19 in March of last year. He died Friday morning, surrounded by his family, after being transferred to a hospice.

His wife, Sue Kelk, 63, announced the news of his death on Friday and said Kelk, who was a computer scientist at an elementary school, had passed away peacefully.

It is with a very heavy heart that I must share the sad news that Jason passed away peacefully in St Gemmas at 12:40 pm, she wrote on Facebook.

Paying tribute to her 20-year-old husband and soul mate, she said her death was so peaceful.

Woman with her arm around the man covered by a St. John Ambulance blanket with a soft toy
Sue and James Kelk at St Jamess University Hospital in Leeds. Sue said her husband didn’t want to live like this anymore. Photography: LeedsLive / MEN

It was really important for him to do this on his terms. But he leaves a lot of people completely deprived, she Told the Yorkshire Evening Post.

People might not think he was brave, but my God, he was brave. I really think he did. And I just think that’s the bravest thing you can do to say, I don’t want to live like this anymore.

Last month she said Sky News that she feared her husband would give up after his condition worsened and he began to pass out.

Before that, she had prepared for his return home, launching a crowdfunding appeal to help pay for her conversion for him.

Kelk, who suffered from type 2 diabetes and asthma, was transferred to intensive care in April last year and remained in the same ward until he went to the hospice.

The virus damaged his lungs and kidneys, and he developed severe stomach problems that required him to be fed intravenously.

Earlier this year, he appeared to be recovering by starting to walk and getting out of a ventilator and kidney filter around the clock.

Before her condition worsened, Kelk said her husband was drinking tea and soup and texting.

He Told The Yorkshire Evening Post in March that he was hoping to get home to sit on our couch and eat takeout fish and chips with Sue while we watched TV. Something normal like that.

He said: My family is what made me fight. It would have been a very different year without them.

But his condition worsened in May. He had to be put back on a ventilator and then developed two infections.

Jason Kelk has passed away surrounded by his wife, mother, father and sister and leaves behind five stepchildren and eight grandchildren, two of whom he had never met because they were born there. ‘last year.

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