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‘Genshin Impact’ Thoma release date, leaks, story & voice actor


Anime boys can get better any day. If you are going through a rough time, you might feel some relief watching an attractive anime boy. For fans of Genshin Impact, Thoma is the latest anime boy to offer comfort. It was officially revealed during the Genshin Impact livesteam version 2.0 as a character that will be added during Inazuma.

We learned a little more about his character via the livestream. Here’s everything we know about Thoma right now.

When is the Genshin Impact Thoma release date?

The release date of Tohamas is currently unknown. We know that he is from Inazuma, the third region to come from Genshin Impact. Hell will likely be available in one of Inazuma’s many updates. Since we already know the characters arriving in version 2.0, Thoma probably won’t be available until version 2.1 at the earliest.

How will Thoma play in Genshin Impact?

From what we know about Thoma, hell is a Polearm user Pyro. We don’t yet know his exact moves or whether Thoma will be a four or five star character. Some leaks suggest that hell is almost certainly a Four stars character. We currently do not know anything definitive.

Is his name Tohama, Tohma, or Touma, or Thoma in Genshin Impact?

If you google Tohama to get a glimpse of your future favorite character, you’ll come across many versions of her name. Some say Tohama, others claim his name is Tohma. These two options are apparently incorrect.

On the Genshin Impact Live Streaming Version 2.0, it has been confirmed that his name is Thoma. It’s like Thomas without the S. You can see this spelling clearly in the official subtitles for Genshin Impact.

Thomas in Genshin Impact.miHoYo

We can find more clarity on the name of the characters via the voice line leak of another Inazuma character named Ayaka. In her voice lines, she pronounces Thomas as Toe-mah in English and Japanese.

Who expresses Thoma in Genshin impact?

We don’t know Thomas’s English voice actor yet, but his Japanese voice is provided by Masakazu Morita. You might know him for his many anime roles like Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach and Seiya from Saint Seiya. Alternatively, if you watch Zac Efron movies, Morita is the actor’s official Japanese voice.

If you looked Musical High School in Japanese, it was the voice of Moritas that you heard coming from Troy Bolton.

Ayaka, Thomas’s close friend.miHoYo

What is the story of Thomas in Genshin impact?

Thoma is the chief servant of the Kamisato clan, where Ayaka is from. He has a close bond with Ayaka and his siblings.

During the live broadcast, it was pointed out that Thoma has blonde hair, which is odd for the characters in Inazuma. Perhaps this suggests that this is an immigrant from Mondstadt or another nation?

From the original Genshin Impact beta, we know Ayaka has high status in Inazuma. In his voice lines, she asks Touma to go get her umbrella right away.

In the later Ayakas vocal lines we get snippets of Toumas actions.

The organization of festivals and ceremonies is the responsibility of the Shabukyo and the Shrine Maidens, she said. And our fireworks manager really knows how to create an uplifting atmosphere. Although this summer I decided not to ask him to supervise the fireworks because I don’t want Touma to have to apologize to the fire crews again. Ayaka says this while discussing the character Yoimiya.

From this we get further confirmation that Touma is some kind of attendant. He apparently apologizes for an action that is either Ayakas ‘or Yoimiyas’ fault. Perhaps he is acting as Ayakas’ public liaison?

In another line, Ayaka says: Thoma is a dear friend. He always cheers me up with his sunny disposition. In a sense, I see him as another brother and a full member of the Kamisato clan.

It clarifies that they are close, but it’s not romantic. Beyond all that, all that remains is to wait for it to arrive.

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