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Tribute to Norm Macdonald from comedians Conan O’Brien, Adam Sandler and moreExBulletin


Norm Macdonald performed at the Orleans Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas in 2011. The Canadian comedian and actor passed away this week, nearly a decade after being diagnosed with cancer.

Ethan Miller / Getty Images


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Ethan Miller / Getty Images

Norm Macdonald performed at the Orleans Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas in 2011. The Canadian comedian and actor passed away this week, nearly a decade after being diagnosed with cancer.

Ethan Miller / Getty Images

Tributes pour in for Norm Macdonald, the Canadian comedian best known for his anchoring Saturday Night Livethe “Weekend Update” segments in the 1990s.

Macdonald died Tuesday at age 61, nearly a decade after a cancer diagnosis he kept secret (here is an excerpt from a stand-up performance where he makes fun of the expression “fight cancer”).

NPR’s Mandalit del Barco has this memory. Here is what some of his many colleagues and fans are saying:

Tribute to the comedian, late-night guest and friend

Late night host and former SNL Actor Seth Meyers (who also hosted “Weekend Update”) honored Macdonald on his show, recalling some of his favorite jokes and shared memories.

“He was the gold standard, and he will continue to be the gold standard, and I would just suggest that everyone go watch him tell the story of the moth on Conan,“He said.” Go watch a bunch of Norm Macdonald stuff tonight because they’re really, really timeless. “

Jimmy Fallon called Macdonald “one of the greatest comedians of all time” and “a family friend of the show, really, to us.” He remembers the first time he met Macdonald, shortly after being hired on SNL.

Stephane Colbert shared a story how welcoming Macdonald was when he spent a few weeks at SNL as a guest writer.

“I wish I had been a good enough comedian to make up a joke about the death of Norm Macdonald. But the only comedian I know who could get away with a ‘Norm Macdonald is dead’ joke is Norm Macdonald.” , Colbert said. . “And I’m going to miss the fact that there’s no one on the planet anymore who can do that, and the comedy world is poorer today.”

James corden said on his show: “All Norm ever wanted to do was make us laugh, and he was absolutely brilliant. There was no one like him. I felt privileged whenever I could be in his orbit. He leaves us as it is. one of the all-time great comics, perhaps the greatest guest in late night television history, I think. “

See more touching tributes from people like David Letterman, Sarah silverman, Seth Rogan (language warning here), Adam sandler, Bob saget and Jon stewart (language warning here too).

This story originally appeared on the Morning edition live blog.




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