Val Bisoglio, actor in Saturday Night Fever and M * A * S * H, dies at 95
Val Bisoglio, a character actor whose film, television and theater credits stretch back more than 50 years, died on October 18. He was 95 years old.
Bisoglio died in his mountain home near Los Olivos, California. His death was confirmed at Variety by his wife Bonnie Bisoglio.
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Born Italo Valentino Bisoglio on May 7, 1926 in New York City, Bisoglio was raised by parents who had immigrated from towns near Monferrato, Alessandria, Italy. He began acting under Jeff Corey’s tutelage and appeared on the New York scene in productions such as Kiss Mama, A View from the Bridge and Wait Until Dark, as well as in New York’s Shakespeare in the Park with Arthur. Penn.
Bisoglio also starred in a series of television shows starting in the 1960s. His best known roles were Sergeant. MASH’s cook Sal Pernelli and Danny Tovo in Quincy, ME His last TV role was as Murf in The Sopranos in 2002.
Bisoglio has also garnered numerous film credits during his career. He played Frank, Sr., father of John Travoltas Tony Manero, in Saturday night fever. Bisoglio was also featured in 1979’s The Frisco Kid as Chef Gray Cloud.
In addition to taking action, Bisoglio participated in the Kennedy Administration’s Pilot Youth Mobilization Project, an anti-poverty program that trained dropout adolescents for employment.
Bisoglio is survived by his wife of 25 years, Bonnie B. Ray Bisoglio, as well as his sons Joseph Valentino Bisoglio and his wife Devon, Sgt. Scott Chapman and his wife Andrea and Casey DeFranco. He is also survived by his brothers-in-law Will R. Ray, E. Scott Ray and his wife Kerry, Gaylord W. Ray and his wife Cindy and J. Enos Ray and his wife Julie.
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