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Who is the voice actor behind “Inside Job” character Bryan Bot?


Netflix’s new satirical adult cartoon Interior work follows Reagan Ridley (Lizzy Caplan), an MIT graduate and socially awkward genius, as she works alongside her messy team of colleagues to hide conspiracy theories from the world. It is for the greater good. From creator Shion Takeuchi and executive producer Alex Hirsch, both behind the magic of Disney Channel Gravity falls Interior work is already a success after its release on October 22, 2021.

While Lizzy Caplan, Christian Slater, and Clark Duke are some of the show’s main characters, we see guest stars in the show’s future, as Season 1, Episode 4, hilariously titled “Sex Machina,” featured featured a familiar face, or rather a voice. The character of the episode, Bryan Jacobsen aka Bryan Bot, was voiced by someone TV fans and moviegoers alike will recognize.

Who is the voice behind Bryan Jacobsen, aka Bryan Bot?

In Interior workIn the fourth episode of, Reagan Ridley – the daughter of Cognito Inc. co-founder Rand Ridley (Christian Slater) – explored the world of dating apps after Cognito Inc. bought one. Known for her lack of relationship skills, Reagan has bet with her co-workers that she could find a boyfriend using the app. However, her plan turned out to be flawed when she decided to create a robotic version (Bryan Bot) of her so-called “perfect match,” Bryan Jacobsen, for training.

“Bryan Jacobsen: 32. He lives in Washington, teaches programming to underprivileged children and has never had a roommate. President of the United States – read. It makes sense that Interior work has been compared to the Emmy-winning cartoon Rick and morty. William Jackson Harper voiced Bryan, who looks a lot like William. Coincidence? We think not.

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'Interior work'

Source: Netflix

Where else have we seen William Jackson Harper?

NBC fans The right place know Emmy nominated actor and playwright as Chidi Anagonye, ​​indecisive and obsessed with logic. Before Chidi’s death, he was a professor of moral philosophy. Playing the nerdy (but hot) scholar only works for William, as he played a similar role in horror director Ari Aster’s highly anticipated second film, Midsummer.

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It portrayed graduate student Josh, who was writing his thesis on the Swedish midsummer festivities before suffering a gruesome death at the hands of members of the Hårga sect. If you haven’t seen the 2019 movie, it’s a beautiful hallucinogenic nightmare if we’ve seen one before.

William Jackson Harper also starred in Jeff Rosenberg’s romantic comedy in 2021. We are separated, which received intermediate reviews.

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William Jackson Harper at The Hollywood Reporter & SAG-AFTRA's 3rd Annual Emmy Nominees Night

Source: Getty Images

If you can’t get enough of him, William will be the romantic protagonist of Season 2 of HBO Max’s rom-com anthology series. Love life. The show’s first season saw actress Anna Kendrick as the main protagonist, while season 2 will see William Jackson Harper take on this role. “I just wanted to explore how messy everything is and how Marcus is a guy at a certain point in his life where he feels like he should have it all together and figure it all out,” he said. Charm regarding his character, Marcus Watkins.

“He judges that. He sort of has the stability that I think so many of us are looking for in some ways. And I think when it all gets tossed up and your life is turned upside down like that, you have to. piece your whole personality back together, “continued William. Whether it’s Chidi Anagonye, ​​Bryan Jacobsen or Marcus Watkins, actor William Jackson Harper shines every time.

Season 1 episodes of Interior work are streamed on Netflix.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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