BREAKING NEWS: Ivana Trump’s fourth husband, Italian actor and model Rossano Rubicondi, dies at 49

Ivana Trump’s fourth husband, Italian actor and model Rossano Rubicondi, has died at 49 from an “illness”.
Rubicondi’s death was announced on Twitter by Italian TV presenter Simona Ventura on Friday night.
‘Rossano Thank you for the trip we have made together, for the good times and the bad times, and also the tears and the laughter, so much, and everything that we have done together. Goodbye. RiP, ”she tweeted.
Although the cause of his death has not been revealed, a ItalianThe post suggested that Rubicondi had been ill for a year and suffered from melanoma, a type of skin cancer.
Ivana, the ex-wife of former President Donald Trump, has not commented on Rubicondi’s death.

Rossano Rubicondi and Ivana Trump, pictured in 2007, dated for six years before getting married in 2008. They divorced a few months later in 2009

Ivana Trump’s wedding to Rossano Rubicondi took place at Donald Trump’s Beach Club in Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach, Florida in April 2008
The couple dated for six years before tying the knot in April 2008 – when she was 36 and she was 59.
The couple’s $ 3 million wedding brought together 400 guests at her ex-husband’s famed Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach and themed Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream, with her daughter Ivanka as a bridesmaid.
Although Ivana and Rubicondi divorced less than a year later, in 2009 their relationship officially continued until 2019, when Ivana announced that she had once again “called for an end.”
Until four years ago, Rubicondi posted photos of himself on social media drinking, dining and traveling on private planes.
He and Ivana were often seen together in New York City and were last pictured arm in arm in July, just months before her death.
In fact, throughout 2021, the couple were seen enjoying each other’s company on at least five occasions.
After the couple divorced in 2009, Rubicondi married Milu Vimo in 2011 and, according to Italian media, never divorced. Either way, he remained friends with Ivana for the rest of his life.

Ivana Trump’s fourth husband, Italian actor and model Rossano Rubicondi, has died at 49

News of the 49-year-old’s death was first announced on Twitter by Italian TV presenter Simona Ventura (right) on Friday night.

Ivana and her partner Rossano Rubicondi again and again were pictured walking around together on July 23

The duo are walking the dog and grabbing food for the 4th of July dinner this year

The pair are pictured in the 2018 Italian version of Dancing With The Stars
Born in Rome on March 14, 1972, Rubicondi moved to London at a very young age where he started working as a model.
After discovering his passion for the world of cinema, he managed to land small roles in films.
In recent years, he has had a few small roles in films including the Golden Bowl alongside Uma Thurman and Kate Beckinsale.
He has also appeared on Italian reality TV shows, including Dancing with the Stars and I’m a Celebrity in Italy.
Rubicondi had been Ivana’s love interest since 2002 when they started dating, but even after their divorce in 2009, and her subsequent marriage to Vimo, the couple were never truly separated.

Rossano Rubicondi is pictured with Milu Vimo in Rome in April 2009, whom he later married in 2011. The couple are believed to be still married at the time of his death.

Rossano Rubicondi on the Italian reality show ‘Isola Dei Famosi 6’ in Honduras in 2008 – the Italian version of ‘I’m A Celebrity’

Rossano Rubicondi is pictured with Ivana a year before their wedding in 2007. They had been dating for five years already.
The couple have always maintained that they are only very close friends, although Rubicondi has previously said that a romantic reunion is always possible.
Last summer appears to have been relatively low-key for Ivana – who typically traveled to Europe during the warmer months, but appeared to have chosen not to travel far, possibly due to the COVID pandemic.
Instead, the businesswoman has been spotted in New York on a number of occasions, most notably enjoying several fun dinners with Rubicondi as recently as August.
Ivana announced their “official” separation in June 2019 before escaping to Saint-Tropez for the summer, admitting that the time she spends on the French Riviera was part of the reason she and her beau longtime couldn’t make their relationship work.
“The relationship just took its course,” she told Page Six at the time. “Rossano spends a lot of time in Italy and I’ve spent a lot of time in New York, Miami and Saint-Tropez, and he has to work.”
“The long-distance relationship really doesn’t work,” she added. “We had a great time and are friends. The split was amicable.
Rubicondi, meanwhile, claimed he always had “good respect” for the businesswoman after their breakup, but later made it clear that her children were a source of anger in their romance.
He pointed out that he was not after the matriarch’s fortune and suggested that money was often something he fought for with his children.
The couple divorced just eight months after their Midsummer Night’s Dream-themed nuptials.
Ivana said she had actually requested the separation three months previously and blamed the separation on herself and Rubicondi’s different preferences for the cities they chose to live in.
The couple had also faced rumors that Rubicondi had been unfaithful to them while filming the Survivor TV show in Honduras, which Ivana denied in her Page Six column.

Ivana and Rossano Rubicondi are pictured having dinner in November 2019
Rubicondi was Ivana’s fourth husband after her marriage to Alfred Winklmayr, Donald Trump and Riccardo Mazzucchelli.
Ivana has lived in New York City since the mid-1970s, after moving from Canada to the United States, following her move from her native Czechoslovakia, and she spent much of that time residing in the Upper East. Side, where she currently lives. a sprawling apartment.
It was in Manhattan that the former model met Trump, whom she married in 1977. The couple were married for 13 years before divorcing in 1990 after Trump had an affair with Marla Maples, who became his second wife.

Ivana Trump gave a peace sign as she and her boyfriend Rossano Rubicondi strolled the Upper East Side of Manhattan last November
However, relations between Trump and Ivana – who have three children together, Don Jr, Eric and Ivanka – have remained cordial over the years, and she recently revealed that she spoke to her ex-husband to wish him a happy birthday. birthday last June.
“Donald hates his birthdays,” Ivana said at the time. “So I spoke to him and wished him a happy birthday and said, ‘Don’t worry about your age. Age is just a number … “”
However, many of Ivana’s children have chosen to leave New York in the past year, with Ivanka and Don Jr choosing to follow in their father’s footsteps by moving to Florida after Trump’s presidency ended in January. .
Eric is currently the only one of Ivana and Donald’s children still living in the city, where he is based with his wife Lara and their children.

Ivana, a businesswoman and former model, was married to Donald for 15 years from 1977 to 1992. The couple are pictured together in July 1988
Sources 2/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10146379/Ivana-Trumps-fourth-husband-Italian-actor-model-Rossano-Rubicondi-dies-49.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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