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Studio Bob hosts art poses, photography, Xhoir


PORT ANGELES – Three events are coming up this month at Studio Bob in downtown Port Angeles.

All require proof of vaccination.

Drink and Draw at Studio Bob with Three Dogs and Three Babies is scheduled for Thursday.

Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. at Studio Bob at 118½ E. Front St. The first pose will be at 7:00 p.m.

Ceramic artist Cindy Elstrom will pose with her 10-year-old Schnoodle, Stella.

Studio Bob bartender Dawn Batton will pose with her 9-year-old Pit mix, Nina.

Sarah Tucker, event coordinator for Studio Bob, will borrow Charlie from Justin Self, himself an artist and mechanic at Sound Bikes and Kayaks.

Poses last 20 minutes with 10 minutes between breaks for refreshments.

The event is free and open to all ages and artistic levels. Supplies are available or people can bring their own.

Refreshments including beer and wine are available for purchase. For more information and questions, call 415-990-0457.

Photography exhibition

Also at Studio Bob, the Black and White Camera show is suspended by popular demand and will now feature live music featuring Tin Sandwich, Marilyn and Marty Kaler with their dog, Bones, playing covers and originals with a ‘fingerpickin’ , self-proclaimed harplickin ‘, rootsy, bluesy, harmonicana ”from 5pm to 8pm on Saturdays.

The doors are open to the vaccinated public for this free artistic event.

Although showing the same group of photographers, new work will be added by Susan White, Thompson Holmes, Ernst Ulrich-Schafer, Richard Kohler and Phillippe Tauran.

White was one of the top sellers at the October show and is in charge of a female photography group show scheduled at Studio Bob in March 2022. This show will feature both color and black and white works by Suzanne Anaya, Marian Bodart, Peggy Hanson, Lori Moilanen, Mary Swartz and of course, herself.


The Queer Xhoir, a choir for all, will have its free practice, all ages, open to the public from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on November 18.

Locally produced by Noah Smith, Xhoir is inspired by Berlin-based American artist, performer and choreographer Colin Self.

Xhoir is a vocal workshop focused on alternative modalities of group singing. It is open to all those who wish to explore their voice as a tool for learning or repositioning a new relationship to singing and listening.

For more information or questions, contact Smith at [email protected]




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