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August Alsina talks about his alleged relationship with Jada Pinkett Smith


August Alsina becomes frank about his alleged romance with Jada Pinkett Smith.

Relationship rumors have been swirling around the couple for some time, with some believing that Alsina and Jada were having a secret affair. Alsina’s 2019 song “Nunya” fueled speculation because it included the lines: “You made me feel like it was an act, you’re just an actress / Directing because you don’t want to let the world know. “The official video for the track also featured a photo of a text message from a love listed as” Koren, “who happens to be Jada’s middle name.

Alsina would continue to deny rumors of relationships and insisted that “Nunya” was not Girls travel actress.

“For clarity, the song is not about Jada. It’s just JUST A SONG, and a free artistic expression of an invented story already put in place by its ORIGINAL format,” he wrote on Instagram, reported by XXL. “Thank you for all your love for music and more is coming, but know that Me and my BEST (@jadapinkettsmith) are good !!! & We will always be, 4Life!”

Alsina is changing her tune.

During the promotional campaign for his new album Product III: EMERGING state and its support docuseries in five parts, the singer sat down with Angela Yee to discuss his controversial relationship with Jada. Alsina claimed that he and the actress were romantically involved, and that he only decided to tell his truth in an attempt to erase his name.

“People can have any idea they want. But what bothers me is that my character is in question …”, he said around 4.30 p.m. “Contrary to what some people may believe, I am not a troublemaker. I don’t like drama. Drama makes me nauseous. I also don’t think it’s important for people to know what what I do, who I sleep with, who I go out with, right? But in this case, there are so many people looking at me from the side … I lost money, friendships, relationships behind that . And I think it’s because people don’t necessarily know the truth. But I’ve never done anything wrong. I like these people (the Smiths) … They are beautiful people. “

Alsina went on to say that the relationship was not a secret affair, suggesting Jada and her husband, Will smith, had an open marriage.

“In fact, I sat down with Will and had a conversation … He gave me his blessing,” he said. “And I totally gave myself to this relationship for years of my life, and I really and really, really, deeply loved and I have a ton of love for her (Jada). I dedicated myself to that . I gave myself to myself. So much so that I can die now, and be OK knowing that I gave myself entirely to someone … Some people never get that in this life. “

He continued: “This conversation is difficult because [it’s] difficult for people to understand. But once it starts to affect me and improve my livelihood, I have to talk about my truth … Getting away from it slaughtered me … It almost killed me. Not nearly. It did it – it pushed me to become another person … It broke me … It will probably be the most difficult thing I have ever known in this life. It’s difficult because I never want to be the person to confuse or walk on my toes, but I want to honor myself and I want to honor my authenticity. And if honoring my authenticity means that you hate me, stone me, shoot me, crucify me, whatever, bury me an honest man. “

Alsina and Yee then discussed another heartbreaking moment in the artist’s life: the loss of his sister, Chandra, who died in late 2018 after a battle with cancer.

“I remember standing on top of my sister, crying, crying. I remember my cousin kept pulling me out, saying,” She’s gone. You have to let her go, “” recalls Alsina. “I did not know (my cousin), I did not cry only over my sister, I cried myself. I cried as I knew, because I died at that time. Who I was, everything I thought I was, everything I thought I knew about myself, was dead. I couldn’t be that human anymore. I saw my sister die and she never could live her life to the full . “

Alsina said her sister was “afraid of everything”, so much so that she missed so many experiences.

“I take a car for my sister, but she is afraid to drive. She has never driven a car because she is afraid to get on the highway. After the death of my brother, she was afraid of everything. She never lived all her life, “he said. . “I don’t want to be that … I want to live my life fully. I want to die empty, whatever that means – give myself to my three children now, give me to love or a relationship, give me to my career, dedicate myself to being a health person. I have to give myself fully to something, because that’s what makes me feel alive. “

You can watch the full interview above. Alsina also talks about living with a rare autoimmune disease, how she relates to her father, and how he thinks there should be more confidence in the black community.

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