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China's crucial support for Russia in Ukraine war at heart of discussions

China's crucial support for Russia in Ukraine war at heart of discussions


Russian Defense Minister Sergue Chogou and Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun during negotiations on the sidelines of a meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, April 26, 2024, Astana, Kazakhstan.  (Photo provided by the Russian News Agency.)

Xi Jinping's visit to France will once again remind Western diplomats of a question that has tormented them for two years: is it possible to dissuade China from helping Russia even more? The support that the Chinese economy provides to the Russian arms industry should be on the agenda of the French president's discussions with his Chinese counterpart, Monday 6 and Tuesday 7 May. The President of the Republic will discuss the concerns that we may have about the activity of certain Chinese companies which could participate directly or contribute significantly to the Russian war effortwe confirm on the Elyse.

More than the direct supply of weapons, a red line that China seems to be careful so far not to cross, it is the deliveries of machine tools and components for the production of these weapons which are at the center of attention. Thanks to the commercial transactions of its companies, Beijing allowed Moscow to restore its arms industry and gain an advantage in the conflict.

On this point, Washington is pushing European capitals to be more direct towards Beijing. These are not isolated incidents, but a comprehensive strategic plan implemented by China and Russia. This had a huge impact. We believe this has helped Russia rebuild its military capabilities. These activities continueobserved in front of a few journalists the Deputy Secretary of State of the United States, Kurt Campbell, passing through Paris, Thursday May 2, just before the arrival of Xi Jinping.

We must hold China accountable. Given France's determination to play an active and important role on the Ukrainian issue, it is essential that President Macron be clear and determined in expressing French concerns in this area.he clarified.

Drone engines and missile thrusters

While Europe has largely closed its doors to trade with Russia since the invasion of Ukraine, China has largely taken over, including in sectors that have helped revive Russian factories producing weapons and vehicles for the front. . China's exports to Russia jumped 64.2% between 2021 and 2023.

In recent weeks, official American sources have highlighted the role of Chinese groups like Dalian Machine Tool in the supply of machine tools used in the production of ballistic missiles. In the last quarter of 2023, 70% of Russian imports of machine tools which amounted to around 900 million dollars (835 million euros) came from China.

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