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Donald Trump may have violated his gag order again

Donald Trump may have violated his gag order again


Donald Trump may have violated his order of silence during a trial by sharing a clip online that talks about the daughter of the judge overseeing the proceedings in New York.

In a May 2 post on Truth Social, Trump shared a lengthy video clip from his ally Steve Bannon's WarRoom podcast, during which hosts Ben Bergquam and Andrew Giuliani, the son of former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani , discuss how Judge Juan Merchan fined Trump $9,000 and threatened the former president with prison for repeatedly violating his silence order.

Trump was placed under siege by Merchan to prevent the former president from making public comments about court staff, jurors, potential witnesses and lawyers in the Manhattan District Attorney's Office, or their families, during his case of falsification of commercial documents. The silence order was put in place after the former president made numerous comments about the judge's daughter on social media, including calling her a “rabid Trump hater.”

As first reported by Meidas Touch Network, the clip shared by Trump on social media showed Andrew Giuliani talking about the judge's daughter, Loren Merchan, president of Authentic Campaigns, which helps raise money for campaigns democratic figures.

Former President Donald Trump and his attorneys speak with the press outside the Manhattan Criminal Courtroom during his trial for allegedly hiding secret money payments in Manhattan Criminal Court on May 3, 2024… L Former President Donald Trump and his attorneys speak with the press pool outside the Manhattan Criminal Courtroom during his trial for allegedly concealing hush money payments at Manhattan Criminal Court on May 3, 2024 in New York. Trump is accused of violating the silence order imposed on him during the secret trial. More Mark Peterson – Swimming Pool/Getty Images

“The gag order that he violates, according to the judge, and that Donald Trump violates only highlights the fact that the judge's daughter profited to the tune of $90 million from [California rep.] Adam Schiff and [Vice President] Kamala Harris,” Giuliani said.

“Donald Trump can’t point that out in these political lawsuits, that tells you everything you need to know.”

The video in question now appears to have been removed from Trump's Truth Social profile.

The nine violations for which Trump was fined up to $1,000 each involved comments and rebroadcasts from Truth Social, as well as statements on his campaign website.

Trump may have again violated his order of silence by sharing a video online in which a public comment was made about the judge's daughter.

The former president was previously fined for sharing in part social media posts targeting Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen and adult film star Stormy Daniels, both key witnesses in the trial.

Trump's legal team has been contacted for comment via email.

Kevin O'Brien, a former assistant U.S. attorney, previously suggested that Trump would continue to violate the gag order, even with the threat of prison time hanging over him.

“Trump shouldn't test Merchan, but he will, inevitably, as the evidence at trial gets worse and worse for him,” O'Brien told Newsweek.

“The question is whether Merchan will finally pull the trigger. My guess is he won't, partly because he wants the trial to stay on track and avoid sideshows, partly because precedent of the imprisonment of a former president and presidential candidate weighs on him”, and in part because of the pressure he will face from certain sectors of the media and Trump supporters. »

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