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Who played Robert Cormier in Heartland when the actor dies at 33?

Who played Robert Cormier in Heartland when the actor dies at 33?



Tributes are pouring in for Toronto actor Robert Cormier as he sadly passed away at the age of 33. He was best known for his appearance in Heartland as Finn Cotter, among other characters. CBS drama series.

The news of his sudden passing was announced by Heartland production on their official Twitter account on Tuesday, September 27, 2022.

Robert has also starred in TV shows such as American Gods, Slasher and Designated Survivor.

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Who did Robert Cormier play against in Heartland?

Robert Cormier played the role of Finn Cotter in Heartland. He was introduced as a new character in season 15, which also appears in the following season.

He travels from Saskatchewan to Alberta to visit his grandfather Al at his ranch to help him with his horse.

Finn was also shown as Amy’s potential love interest and fans had been shipping them for a long time.

Heartland Season 16 is scheduled for release on October 2, 2022.

Who did he play in Netflix’s Slasher?

Robert was portrayed as Kit Jennings in Slasher season 3 in 2019.

The actor also appeared in two episodes of American Gods and landed a guest spot on ABCs Designated Survivor.

According The Hollywood ReporterRobert studied economics at York University before graduating from the Toronto Academy of Acting for Film & Television in 2014.

Meanwhile, his sister, Stephanie, told the publication that the actor died on Friday from injuries sustained in a fall. He breathed his last in a hospital in Etobicoke, Ontario.

Tributes pour in for the actor

While announcing his disappearance, Heartfelt production share: We are deeply saddened to learn of the death of Robert Cormier. He was a beloved cast member of Heartland for the past two seasons. On behalf of the cast and crew of Heartland, our hearts go out to him and his family during this difficult time.

His passing is deeply mourned by fans who took to Twitter to share their condolences.

A Tweeted: I can’t believe I’m reading this! I loved her character in Heartland and was so looking forward to Finn and Amy becoming a couple. What a terrible tragedy. I think of his family, his friends, and also the cast of Heartland.

Absolutely crushed to read this morning, Robert Cormier (Finn) was such a hopeful part of Heartland season 15. My heart goes out to his family and all the cast and fans of Heartland wrote another one.

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