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First look unveiled for Bollywood crime drama[EXCLUSIVE]

First look unveiled for Bollywood crime drama[EXCLUSIVE]
First look unveiled for Bollywood crime drama[EXCLUSIVE]


Produced by Bhushan Kumar and Krishan Kumar T-seriesMurad Khetanis Cine1 Studios and Pranay Reddy Vangas Bhadrakali Pictures unveiled the first look poster for Animalwith popular Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor.

The film is in the crime drama genre and promises to portray Kapoor in a never-before-seen avatar. The details of the terrain are secret. It is directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, who debuted in 2017 with the Telugu-language hit Arjun Reddy, starring Vijay Deverakonda. Vanga remade the film in Hindi as Kabir Singh, starring Shahid Kapoor, which was one of the blockbusters of 2019.

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The cast of Animal also includes Anil Kapoor (Jug Jugg Jeeyo), Rashmika Mandanna (Pushpa: The Rise Part 1), Bobby Deol (Aashram) and Triptii Dimri (Qala) in key roles.

The animal is part of T-Series Films Slate of 100 Films in various Indian languages. T-Series and Cine1 Studios co-produced Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, one of Bollywood’s biggest hits of 2022. Bhadrakali Pictures previously produced Arjun Reddy.

The Filmmakers Say: We were extremely pleased to present the first poster for this magnum opus crime drama starring Ranbir Kapoor. After the highly anticipated anticipation of the film following its announcement, we were happy to unveil the first preview to the public. Ranbirs’ look at the poster justifies the gist of the film very well and was confident that audiences will witness a film they deserve.

Kapoor had two exits as a leading man in 2022. Action drama Shamshera underperformed while Disneys Brahmastra Part One: Shiva, the first in a planned sci-fi trilogy based on mythology Indian, was one of the biggest hits of the year.

Animal is set to hit theaters on August 11, 2023 in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Kannada versions.

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