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Hollywood star Michael B Jordan is mobbed by fans as he arrives to watch Bournemouth

Hollywood star Michael B Jordan is mobbed by fans as he arrives to watch Bournemouth


Hollywood star Michael B Jordan is mobbed by fans as he arrives to watch Bournemouth play at home for the first time since taking over as co-owner… but it’s a disastrous start as the Cherries are beaten 2 -0 by Crystal Palace

  • Actor Michael B Jordan is part of a new ownership group at AFC Bournemouth
  • He arrived on the south coast to see his team play at home for the first time
  • Jordan were beset by away fans as they braved the wind and rain
  • It was a disastrous start, however, with Crystal Palace leading 2-0 early on.
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Michael B Jordan sprinkled some Hollywood stardust on a damp and breezy Bournemouth on New Years Eve as he attended a home game for the first time since taking over as co-owner of the ‘team.

The 35-year-old megastar is part of a new team of Cherries owners led by fellow American Bill Foley, and he flew to the south coast of England for the team’s game against Crystal Palace.

Upon arrival, Bournemouth fans were delighted to see the famous face for the first time, pestering him for photographs and autographs as he made his way to the stadium.

Michael B Jordan is mobbed by fans as he arrives to watch Bournemouth at home on Saturday

Michael B Jordan is mobbed by fans as he arrives to watch Bournemouth at home on Saturday

The Hollywood star was attending her first home game since becoming part-owner of the team

The Hollywood star was attending her first home game since becoming part-owner of the team

Jordan posed for photos with President Bill Foley on the court in the pouring rain on Saturday

Jordan posed for photos with President Bill Foley on the court in the pouring rain on Saturday

Shortly after, Jordan was unveiled to the crowd alongside Foley, waving to supporters as he wore a Bournemouth scarf and made his allegiances clear.

A few days earlier, the actor, director and producer attended his first match against Bournemouth at Chelsea – sitting in the stands to watch them go down to a 2-0 defeat.

Sadly, the misery continued early on New Year’s Eve, with opponents Crystal Palace scoring an opening two goals to send Bournemouth on the road to a fifth defeat in six games.

Since news broke of his involvement in the $185million deal, interest in the Black Panther star’s role at the club has been high – with many wondering how Jordan would fit in.

Jordan seemed delighted to be there, but the team went down 2-0 at Palace early on

Jordan seemed delighted to be there, but the team went down 2-0 at Palace early on

TV cameras also captured the Hollywood actor's arrival at Bournemouth's Vitality Stadium

TV cameras also captured the Hollywood actor’s arrival at Bournemouth’s Vitality Stadium

Fans demanded photos and autographs of the Black Panther actor, who wore a team scarf

Fans demanded photos and autographs of the Black Panther actor, who wore a team scarf

In one statementpublished by Bournemouth, the club said the Creed actor would “work closely with Bill [Foley] in areas such as global marketing and internationalization of the club.

Foley, Jordan’s partner and owner of the Vegas Golden Knights, bought a house on the south coast and has been at a number of Bournemouth games before and since the deal was finalized in October.

And speaking after completing his takeover, Foley was optimistic about how things will work out at the team.

“I looked at several teams over the last two or three years and they all involved minority investments and someone else is already in charge. I do not like it. I’m a dictator,’ Foley said BBC Radio Solent.

Ebere Eze (second right) celebrates after doubling Crystal Palace's first-half lead

Ebere Eze (second right) celebrates after doubling Crystal Palace’s first-half lead

Jordan looks set to play a big part in the team after being part of the $185m takeover

Jordan looks set to play a big part in the team after being part of the $185m takeover

“When I’m involved, I have to be the captain of the ship. I had to wait for a situation where I could buy the team myself, with my partners of course, and control the fate of the team.

“I’ve always said with the Vegas Golden Knights that if there’s a mistake, it’s on me. I’ll take responsibility and plan to do the same with the AFCB.”

He added, “I tell my sponsors, and they know it, that there’s nothing more limited than being a Bill Foley sponsor.”

Foley replaces Bournemouth with Swiss-based Russian businessman Maxim Demin, who owned the club for 11 years.

That spell has included the Cherries moving from League One – the third tier of English football – to the top flight in the space of five seasons.





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