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Kangana Ranaut recalls being humiliated for her size during modeling days | Bollywood

Kangana Ranaut recalls being humiliated for her size during modeling days |  Bollywood


Actress Kangana Ranaut recently spoke about not getting suitable modeling assignments in Delhi due to her height. She said she was still a teenager when she started modeling and was told she was good for nothing. She revealed that she came to Mumbai for a saree catalog shoot and refused to return to her agency in Delhi. She even tore up her return ticket to stay behind. Read also : Kangana Ranaut does not want compensation for the demolition of his house in Mumbai

Kangana Ranaut made her Bollywood debut with Gangster.
Kangana Ranaut made her Bollywood debut with Gangster.

Kangana had left her home in Himachal Pradesh at a young age to follow her dreams. She struggled and chose modeling to support herself in Delhi until she made her debut with the 2006 movie Gangster, after three years.

During a recent interview, Kangana was asked if she had ever been to Mumbai before landing in the city to become an actress. She denied it and said in Hindi: When I left home in Himachal, I was 12-13 years old. I was studying in a hostel in Chandigarh. Later, I came to Delhi and stayed there for one to two years. In 2004, I came to Mumbai for a modeling assignment, then I threw away the phone my agency gave me. When they called me back (in Delhi), I even tore up my ticket. I told them that I didn’t want to go back. Mujhe woh kaam karna hi nahi hai kyunki mujhe woh humesha model me nicha dikhate rehte they (I didn’t want to work there because I was constantly humiliated).

Because he felt the ramp model is hotter in Delhi. For us 5’11 to 6 feet tall ki chhaiye hoti hai ladkiyo ko. And my height is 5’7″. Mai sara din baithi rehti thi. Mujhe kehte they aaj bhi kaam nhi mila tumhe, tumhara kuch nahi hone wala model me , but I was 5’7. I sat all day and was told I was no good) Then I started getting catalogs (shootings) and advertisements where I had to stand behind others. I came to Mumbai for a saree catalog shoot. But it’s ok, it helped me with my expenses at the time, Kangana added.

The actress said she stayed in Mumbai after filming and started auditioning for roles. His first film was Anurag Basu’s Gangstar, starring Emraan Hashmi and Shiney Ahuja. Currently, she is one of the most popular actors in the industry.

Kangana was last seen in Dhakaad. She has Emergency, Tejas, Chandramukhi 2, Manikarnika Returns: The Legend of Didda and The Incarnation: Sita and in the works.




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