10 Best Classic Romance Movies From Hollywood’s Golden Age
Although Hollywood’s Golden Age (also known as the Sound Age, which ran between 1927 and 1960) was a particularly favorable time for film noir, musicals, and genres Westerners, he also relied on countless great romance films that today stand the test of time. . Even in the era of silence, when talkies weren’t part of the picture, romantic dramas like broken flowers were popular among the audience, managing to capture the attention of many viewers.
Now counting on various sub-genres, the romance genre is highly regarded with some of the latest memorable films being Damien Chazelleit’s music La La LandAnd Wong Kar-waithe masterpiece love mood. But which remarkable love stories reigned supreme during Hollywood’s Golden Age?
ten “A Deal to Remember” (1957)
In A case to rememberlegendary movie star Cary Grant And Deborah KerrThe characters end up falling in love with each other after a few days and promise to meet in six months at the Empire State Building. However, the two are in a relationship with other people as they fall head over heels in love with each other, and the real question is whether the day they reunite will actually come.
With a simple story, Leo McCareyThe film may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Nonetheless, it’s still worth watching, as it’s an entertaining and sentimental romance film that will wow some viewers. In addition to that, A case to remember features amazing acting performances from both leads.
9 “Raising Baby” (1938)
Directed by howard hawks, raising baby centers on a paleontologist (Cary Grant) who is stalked by an annoying heiress (Catherine Hepburn) and his pet leopard named Baby as he attempted to raise a million dollar donation for his museum.
Besides delivering a healthy dose of old-school romance with palpable chemistry between the two leads, the original 1938 film is downright hilarious. The slimy comedy classic is a timeless hallmark that helped shape the genre and relies on a cleverly written script and provides audiences with a great screen time.
8 ‘Sabrina’ (1954)
Featuring iconic movie stars Humphrey Bogart And Audrey Hepburn, this gripping 1954 feature is easily among the most popular (and unforgettable) of Hollywood’s Golden Age. The love triangle film follows siblings David (William Holden) and Linus Larrabee (Bogart) and Sabrina Fairchild (Hepburn), the young daughter of the house driver.
Billy WilderThe iconic movie remains a beloved piece of cinema today, and that’s for sure. Holds up after 69 years, sabrina is a much-loved romantic comedy that’s both charming and delightful, fun and humorous.
7 “Gone with the Wind” (1939)
An epic romance film from start to finish, carried away by the wind stars Vivien Leigh as Southern belle Scarlett O’Hara, who manages to survive the tragic events in the South during the Civil War and Reconstruction. The film also depicts his complicated relationship with Ashley Wilkes (Leslie Howard) and Rhett Butler (Clark Gable).
While carried away by the wind hasn’t aged nearly as well given its handling of sensitive subjects (sometimes seeming ignorant), it’s still considered by many a classic of the romance genre thanks to its intriguing melodrama and strong performances.
6 “The Philadelphia Story” (1940)
This great romantic comedy titled Philadelphia History reunites Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn again, introducing audiences to Grant’s CK Dexter Haven, a tabloid-like reporter, and his wealthy ex-wife Tracy Lord, played by Hepburn. When the former shows up at the latter’s remarriage, she re-evaluates her choices and embarks on a journey of self-discovery.
What’s so great about George Cukor’s movie besides the obvious — Hepburn and Grant do a rom-com again and absolutely nail it (especially Hepburn, who arguably gives the performance of his career) — is how timeless the film is. Philadelphia History is witty and engaging, with good pacing and excellent direction.
5 “To Have and Not to Have” (1944)
Also starring Bogart (a few years before the previously mentioned film), To have and not to have is a film noir set during World War II. The plot centers on American expat Harry Morgan (Bogart), who is romantically involved with a sultry lounge singer (the talented Lauren Bacal) while helping transport a French Resistance leader and his wife to Martinique.
howard hawks‘ iconic film is simply unforgettable. Along with an impressive script, the 1944 feature film features excellent acting and impeccable chemistry between the two stars, which is arguably everything one would expect from a romance movie. Additionally, the film marked the start of one of Hollywood’s most iconic relationships, as the two leads married shortly after meeting during filming.
4 “It Happened One Night” (1934)
Perhaps the model of romantic comedies, It happened one night is a remarkable 1934 film directed by Franc capra. Starring Claudette Colbert and Clarke Gable, this acclaimed film follows heiress Ellie Andrews (Colbert), who impulsively marries King Westley. When his father, a businessman (Walter Connolly) takes her to his yacht, she eventually falls in love with a reporter (Gable) who helps her find her husband in exchange for an exclusive story.
A sparkling film that will entertain viewers, It happened one night marked a new high in the film industry upon its release. With an influential premise, the charming rom-com and slimy comedy also showcases an undeniable bubbly chemistry between the characters and endures a very treasured film of the genre.
3 “Roman Holiday” (1953)
During her little escapade, a bored European princess (played by Hepburn) manages to get away from her guardians and flies away for a night out in Rome. Meanwhile, Ann falls in love with an American journalist (Gregory peck), who takes her back to her apartment after falling asleep on a park bench.
William wylerThe iconic and stylish rom-com has a charming premise that will likely wow viewers. roman holidays also showcases Hepburn’s talent as a comedic actress while emphasizing her undying charisma and charm. All in all, a truly classic feature.
2 “Let’s Sing in the Rain” (1952)
Easily one of the most popular musicals ever made, Sing in the rain is about a silent film star (Gene Kelly) who, along with his co-star (Donald O’Connor), struggles to make the difficult transition to walkie-talkies in 1920s Hollywood. However, the real surprise is that he fell in love with a chorus girl (Debbie Reynolds).
No wonder this comedic musical masterpiece is a staple after all these years. In addition to a stunning script, it boasts excellent choreography, catchy songs and impeccable dance sequences. It is impossible to remain indifferent to Stanley Donen‘s film, which still radiates light and positivism.
1 Casablanca (1942)
Also featuring Bogrart as an American expat, casablanca is a haunting romantic drama that follows a cafe owner who must choose whether or not to help his ex-girlfriend and her wanted husband escape the Nazis in French Morocco.
Michael CurtisThe haunting black-and-white flick of is a classic that manages to grab attention and appeal to different types of moviegoers. Certainly among the most influential pieces of cinema, casablanca delivers iconic lines that are still referenced after all these years and captivates global audiences with its unforgettable romance.
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