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Expresso Bollywood News Update at 11:30am June 7, 2023

Expresso Bollywood News Update at 11:30am June 7, 2023
Expresso Bollywood News Update at 11:30am June 7, 2023


Transcript of latest Bollywood news today at 11:30am June 7, 2023

In our top stories. After a strong start at the box office, Sara Ali Khan and Vicky Kaushal’s romantic comedy Zara Hatke Zara Bachke experienced a slight decline. The film, which opened to mixed reviews from critics, earned an estimated Rs 4.41 crore, bringing its total earnings to Rs 26.73 crore. The film, which would have benefited from its unique strategy of selling one plus one free tickets, valid until Sunday June 4, did well at the box office without any sales assistance. Directed by Laxman Utekar, Zara Hatke Zara Bachke, set in a small town in India, revolves around a married couple trying to get a fake divorce. The film marks Vicky and Sara’s first film together.

Let’s move on. Bollywood star Swara Bhasker announced on Tuesday June 6 that she is expecting her first child. Sharing some photos with her husband, Fahad Ahmad, the actress showed off her baby bump as she made the big announcement. Taking to Instagram to let her followers know the baby is due in October, she wrote: “Sometimes all your prayers are answered together! Blessed, grateful, excited (and distraught!) as we enter a whole new world !” Swaras followers dropped messages congratulating the couple in the post’s comments section. Swara Bhasker and Fahad Ahmad registered their marriage in February this year. They then threw a big party to commemorate their union.

Journalist-author Shubhra Gupta’s forthcoming book, Irrfan: Life in Movies, published by Pan Macmillan India, traces the journey of deceased stars and features several of his collaborators, including Tigmanshu Dhulia. In an exclusive excerpt from the upcoming book, Dhulia shared – “I think if I consider Irrfan not someone else’s contribution, I would say his best performance is definitely Paan Singh Tomar. The method of Irrfans when he was working was also the way he lived his He was a good actor because his observation of life was very surgical, very meticulous, Irrfans’ observation of life was so enjoyable that his performance always had l Fresh and unpredictable, he rose above his character.

Meanwhile, over 15 years later, Imtiaz Alis Jab We Met remains an all-time favorite among his fans. Kareena Kapoors’ portrayal of the central character Geet continues to be praised, and the performance is often rated among the best of her career. During a chat with Hindustan Times when asked why every movie she does is compared to her iconic performance, Kareena said: It will always be compared to Geet, she is iconic, I get it. But I think people should be talking about Chameli, Omkara and Heroine – they’re quite underrated in terms of my performance.” Comparing Jab We Met to Ghar ki khichdi, she said: You see it over and over again, it doesn’t doesn’t look like an old movie. It’s rare.

The final trailer for bilingual Hindi-Telugu epic Adipurush, starring Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, Saif Ali Khan, Sunny Singh and Devdatta Nage, was released at a major pre-release event in Tirupati on Tuesday June 6. Over a million fans reportedly attended the event. As for director Om Raut’s new trailer, it’s not nearly as bad as the film’s first teaser, which caused its release to be delayed for several months. The opening sequence of the Lankesh kidnapping Janaki trailer features detailed CGI work. However, such quality is inconsistent, although it is not a concern for Prabhas fans as the trailer surpassed 350,000 views within minutes.

Meanwhile, megastar Amitabh Bachchan makes it a point to greet his fans every Sunday outside his Mumbai residence, and in a recent blog post, Bachchan shared several photos from one such encounter. The actor wrote – “I feel like they’ve been waiting for hours in this sweltering heat so we provide them with drinking water with lime to quench their thirst.. 4 containers, 2 on each side Door.” The actor said he greets his fans barefoot, and when people sarcastically comment, “Who goes out with socks and barefoot?” He explained his reason for doing so. He shared – “You go to the temple with bare feet. naked, my sympathizers are my temple.”

Ever since Bengali superstar Prosenjit Chatterjee revealed he was director Sooraj Barjatyas’ first choice of hit romantic drama Maine Pyar Kiya, fans have been curious to hear more about the actors’ decision to turn down the opportunity. Although Prosenjit has previously shown a disinterest in discussing the matter, he recently broached the subject. While chatting with Mashable India, the actor shared – “It’s all fate. The most important point is that one of India’s biggest stars and greatest actors Salman Khan who I respect was born in Maine Pyar Kiya. I lost other films too which became big hits. Why regret such things? You have to move on.

Finally, in an old interview that has now surfaced on the internet, Pooja Bedi shares how her life changed after she decided to separate from her husband, Farhan Furniturewala. In an interview with Doordarshan Sahyadri, Bedi was asked how she built her life after separation, including leaving the marriage without her ex-husband’s child support. Bedi, a mother of two, including actor Alaya F, said: “Back then, the justice systems were different and the women’s rights movement was not as active as it is today. , there will be bitterness, my children will also suffer.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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