A charismatic actor best known for a song that wasn’t rude at all The Irish Times
![A charismatic actor best known for a song that wasn’t rude at all The Irish Times A charismatic actor best known for a song that wasn’t rude at all The Irish Times](https://www.irishtimes.com/resizer/cTS9Ngu4LnyKknIJMT5pnOi-_9g=/1200x630/filters:format(jpg):quality(70):focal(2140x1003:2150x1013)/cloudfront-eu-central-1.images.arcpublishing.com/irishtimes/PXBUCPUOEZHGXPWDG7RCRPAXCQ.jpg)
Jane Birkin, who died in Paris aged 76, was one of a handful of quintessential English women Charlotte Rampling and Kristin Scott Thomas are others who have lent a significant part of their personality to the French nation.
Birkin did more than that. In 1967, she was the co-author of a cultural attack throughout the Channel which even prompted Napoleon to pull off his cocked hat.
Even now, Je taime… Moi non plus, the panting and lustful single she released with her partner at the time, Serge Gainsbourg, makes delicate souls slump on fainting sofas.
Gainsbourg, a smoking thug who seemed determined to confirm England’s worst prejudices about its neighbours, argued that the song was about the futility of the act of love. All the English-speaking audiences heard were French lyrics that seemed to have a lot to do with coming around from far away I go and I come, between your reins and a really huge amount of athletic panting.
The song was banned from radio play throughout Europe. Even in France, it was not played before 11 p.m. Yet he became number one in the UK and mother of God! number two in Ireland on the road to immortality as a key text of the permissive age.
Je t’aime… Moi non plus will be played a lot today, but Birkin will also be remembered as a cunning and charismatic actor, a fashion idol and a remarkable philanthropist. She was born in a fashionable corner of central London in 1946. Her father was a Royal Navy officer who acted as a spy during World War II.
His mother was successful actress Judy Campbell. After private education, she had her first taste of stardom when, still a teenager, she married James Bond composer John Barry. They divorced in 1968 as she drifted into small roles in now legendary London films such as Richard Lesters The Knack… and How to Get It and Michelangelo Antonionis Blow-Up.
Birkins’ nude scene in Antonioni’s film was still surprising enough to spark controversy. She then moved to France, where her English vowels proved an attraction rather than a hindrance in casting. Without my accent, I would have had another career, she says.
She met the volatile Gainsbourg in 1968 and they remained together but never married for 12 often tumultuous years. Birkin has brought his unconventional talent to a stream of records from his partners, including the classic album History of Melody Nelson.
Speaking to the Sydney Morning Herald in 2007, Birkin admitted their life together was unconventional. They had a weird upbringing, she says of her children. Mer often came back after a crazy night, at six o’clock in the morning when the children woke up like birds from their nest. Then we went to bed. We picked them up from school at 4:30, took them to the park, had dinner and then went out.
[ 2013 interview: Jane Birkin tells Trish Deseine about her life ]
His filmography mixes French art and essay and flashy co-productions. She brought an angular charm to performances in Agatha Christie’s all-star adaptations Death on the Nile (1978) and Evil Under the Sun (1982). She later appeared in the Merchant Ivory production of A Soldiers Daughter Never Cries and received a Csar nomination for Jacques Rivettes La Belle Noiseuse in 1991.
Confirmation of his legendary status came when, in 1983, the managing director of Herms encountered his possessions spilled from a basket on a flight to London. A year later, he created the leather Birkin bag in his honor. The extremely expensive item, in various colors and designs, remains in production to this day. What other Englishwoman could find herself so celebrated in the iconography of French fashion?
In 2001, she received an OBE. The French presented him with the Ordre National du Mrite. Over time, if she remained charismatic, her fame was slightly eclipsed by that of her daughter, actress Charlotte Gainsbourg, winner of the best actress at Cannes for Lars von Triers Antichrist.
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Birkin died as a symbol of a thrilling era of popular culture that took stock of the sparkling sexual revolution of the 1960s and the perennially complex relationship between the French and the British (the English in particular). Islanders love to be appalled at the continental license. The French secretly admire British composure to the point of naming fashion accessories after binational celebrities.
All of this is summed up in the gasps which, after half a century, still follow Je taime… Me neither around. It wasn’t a rude song at all, she said in 2004. I don’t know what it was. The English simply did not understand it. I’m still not sure they know what that means.
Sources 2/ https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/film/2023/07/16/jane-birkin-a-charismatic-actor-best-known-for-a-song-that-wasnt-a-rude-at-all/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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