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Elton John Supports Kevin Spacey’s Testimony at Actor’s Sexual Assault Trial

Elton John Supports Kevin Spacey’s Testimony at Actor’s Sexual Assault Trial


Elton John briefly testified for the defense at Kevin Spacey’s sexual assault trial as the actor’s attorney tried to discredit a man who claimed the Oscar-winning actor aggressively grabbed his crotch as he was going to the singer’s summer ball.

John appeared in court in London via video link from Monaco after husband David Furnish said Spacey failed to attend the annual party at their Windsor home in the year the accuser said he was offensive.

One of the alleged victims said he was driving Spacey to the White Tie & Tiara Ball in 2004 or 2005 when the actor grabbed him so forcefully he nearly ran off the road.

Furnish supported Spacey’s own testimony that he did not attend the event until 2001.

He said he reviewed photographs taken at the party from 2001 to 2005 and that Spacey only appeared in the footage that year.

All guests have been photographed each year.

John said the actor attended the party in the early 2000s and arrived after taking a private plane.

Furnish said Spacey’s appearance was a surprise and he remembered it because it was a big deal.

A man dressed in a gray suit, red, white and blue tie and tinted glasses arrives outside a courthouse.

Elton John says Kevin Spacey attended a party he was throwing in the early 2000s. (Reuters: Henry Nicholls)

“He was an Oscar-winning actor and there was a lot of buzz and excitement that he was at prom,” Furnish said.

John said he only remembered Spacey coming to the gala once and said the actor spent the night at their house after the event.

He also confirmed that Spacey bought a Mini Cooper at the auction held that evening for the Elton John AIDS Foundation.

The alleged victim said he may have gotten the year wrong, but he wouldn’t have forgotten the incident as it took his breath away and he nearly crashed the car.

The timeline, however, is important as the man testified that Spacey fondled him for several years from the early 2000s.

The incident was the last occasion, he said, when he threatened to punch the actor and then dodged him.

Spacey said the two were friends and had been romantically involved, but the man was straight, so the actor respected his wish not to go any further.

He said he was crushed when he learned the man had complained to police about him and said the man had ‘reimagined’ what had been consensual touching.

Furnish said he knew the accuser and described him as “charming”, the same term Spacey used.

Spacey, 63, has pleaded not guilty to a dozen charges including counts of sexual and indecent assault and one count of causing a person to engage in penetrative sexual activity without consent.

During two days of testimony last week, the two-time Oscar winner insisted he never sexually assaulted three of the four accusers who described disturbing encounters between 2001 and 2013.

The acts reportedly ranged from unwanted touching to aggressive stroking to a case of oral sex on an unconscious man.

Spacey called claims of fondling a man “pure fantasy” and said he had shared consensual encounters with two others who later regretted it.

He accepted the claims of a fourth man, saying he made an ‘awkward pass’ during a night of heavy drinking, but he took issue with the characterization of ‘grabbing the crotch “.

John’s testimony comes just over a week after he wrapped up his 50-year touring career with a show in Stockholm.

This is the second time the star and Furnish have appeared in a London court this year.

The pair have appeared for hearings in their phone hacking trial with Prince Harry against the publisher of the Daily Mail newspaper.

The couple, the Duke of Sussex and actors Elizabeth Hurley and Sadie Frost are among a group of claimants who allege Associated Newspapers Ltd. violated their privacy by intercepting voicemails and using illegal methods to spy on them.

A judge decides to dismiss the case after the publisher says the group waited too long to press charges.





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