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Office actor Ewen MacIntosh dies aged 50 | TV comedy

Office actor Ewen MacIntosh dies aged 50 |  TV comedy
Office actor Ewen MacIntosh dies aged 50 |  TV comedy


Actor Ewen MacIntosh, best known for playing Keith in the classic British comedy The Office, has died aged 50.

A statement from his management company, Just Right Management, said: “It is with great sadness that we announce the peaceful passing of our beloved comedy genius, Ewen MacIntosh.

His family thanks everyone who supported him, especially Willow Green Nursing Home. There will soon be a private cremation for family and close friends and a celebratory memorial later in the year.

Office co-creator Ricky Gervais paid tribute to MacIntosh by writing about X: Extremely sad news. The very funny and very charming Ewen Macintosh, known to many as Big Keith from The Office, has died.

An absolute original. RIP.

Chelle Just of Just Right Management said the actor had been suffering from health problems for the past two years.

She said in a statement: Ewen was a wonderful actor and an even better human being. He made people laugh and had such a kind heart. He touched the lives of everyone who came in contact with him.

Ewen suffered from health problems for the past two years and died peacefully on February 19 of undisclosed causes.

His family is comforted and deeply appreciates all the outpouring of love for Ewen, but would appreciate privacy to be able to mourn this very difficult time. Ewen will be greatly missed. Good luck Ewen.

The management company said his family had sent special thanks to Willow Green Care Home, confirming there would be a private cremation for family and close friends as well as a celebratory memorial later in the year.

MacIntosh was best known as Wernham Hogg accountant Keith Bishop, who had a monotonous phone message and would have preferred a career as a DJ.

Some of his memorable scenes include when he ate a Scotch egg after offering inappropriate romantic advice to Martin Freeman's character Tim, and when he dressed up as Ali G for Red Nose Day.

Another beloved scene featured an assessment between Keith and office manager David Brent, played by Gervais. Brent couldn't contain his frustration after the accountant wrote down accounts as his strength and eczema as his weakness.

MacIntosh has also appeared in shows such as Miranda and Little Britain.

Gold TV also paid tribute, in a statement saying: We at Gold are saddened to learn that Ewen MacIntosh has passed away at the age of 50.

We loved him as Keith on The Office and were lucky enough to work with him over the years on the network. Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this difficult time.




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