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To watch! 10 Criminally Underrated Bollywood Comedies

To watch!  10 Criminally Underrated Bollywood Comedies
To watch!  10 Criminally Underrated Bollywood Comedies


BOMBAI: Comedy films have a unique charm, bringing laughter and joy to audiences of all ages. Bollywood also has its share of underrated comedy gems that deserve more recognition. Here is a list of 10 such films that are sure to tickle your funny bone:

No problem (2010)

IMDb rating: 4.5/10

Actors: Anil Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt, Suniel Shetty, Sushmita Sen, Akshaye Khanna, Neetu Chandra

Director: Anees Bazmee

Synopsis: Follows the misadventures of two friends trapped in chaos and mistaken identity.

Do Not Disturb (2009)

IMDb rating: 3.7/10

Actors: Govinda, Riteish Deshmukh, Lara Dutta, Sushmita Sen, Sohail Khan

Director: David Dhawan

Synopsis: A wealthy businessman orchestrates a plan to hide his affair, which leads to comical misadventures.

Simple Baap Pehle Aap (2008)

IMDb rating: 5.5/10

Actors: Akshaye Khanna, Paresh Rawal, Genelia Deshmukh, Om Puri, Rajpal Yadav

Director: Priyadarshan

Synopsis: A delightful comedy about a son's efforts to reunite his father with his lost love.

Apna Sapna Silver Silver (2006)

IMDb rating: 5.4/10

Actors: Riteish Deshmukh, Shreyas Talpade, Koena Mitra, Riya Sen, Celina Jaitley, Suniel Shetty, Jackie Shroff

Director: Sangeeth Sivan

Synopsis: Eccentric characters become entangled in a web of deception over a bag of stolen money.

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Loot Case (2020)

IMDb rating: 7.5/10

Actors: Kunal Kemmu, Rasika Dugal, Ranvir Shorey, Vijay Raaz, Gajraj Rao

Director: Rajesh Krishnan

Synopsis: A middle-class man comes across a suitcase full of money, leading to comical misadventures.

Welcome to Sajjanpur (2008)

IMDb rating: 6.9/10

Actors: Shreyas Talpade, Amrita Rao, Ravi Kishan, Divya Dutta, Ila Arun

Director: Shyam Benegal

Synopsis: Set in a rustic village, the film seamlessly blends emotion and comedy.

Entertainment (2014)

IMDb rating: 4.5/10

Actors: Akshay Kumar, Tamannaah Bhatia, Prakash Raj, Sonu Sood, Mithun Chakraborty, Johnny Lever

Director: Farhad Sanji, Sajid

Synopsis: A man discovers he is the illegitimate son of a wealthy businessman, which leads to some hilarious encounters.

By Dana Dan (2009)

IMDb rating: 5.8/10

Actors: Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty, Katrina Kaif, Sameera Reddy, Neha Dhupia, Paresh Rawal, Rajpal Yadav

Director: Priyadarshan

Synopsis: Two unfortunate individuals caught in a web of chaos and mistaken identities.

Good Luck: The Fun Begins (2009)

IMDb rating: 6.2/10

Actors: Ajay Devgn, Fardeen Khan, Bipasha Basu, Sanjay Dutt, Mugdha Godse, Sanjay Mishra

Director: Rohit Shetty

Summary: A plan to increase the monthly allowance leads to hilarious mistaken identity scenarios.

Weekly Malamaal (2006)

IMDb rating: 7/10

Actors: Paresh Rawal, Om Puri, Riteish Deshmukh, Rajpal Yadav, Reema Sen, Govardhan Asrani, Sudha Chandran

Director: Priyadarshan

Synopsis: A rural village's encounter with an unexpected lottery win sets off a series of comic incidents.

These underrated Bollywood comedies deliver a blend of humor, satire, and entertainment that is sure to leave you divided. So grab some popcorn and enjoy these hidden gems!

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Credit: Pinkvilla




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