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Chris Gauthier, actor of “Once Upon a Time” and “Eureka”, dies at 48

Chris Gauthier, actor of “Once Upon a Time” and “Eureka”, dies at 48
Chris Gauthier, actor of “Once Upon a Time” and “Eureka”, dies at 48


Chris Gauthier, an actor known for his roles in Once upon a time And Eurekadied suddenly on Friday February 23. He was 48 years old.

A representative for the Canadian star confirmed the news to TV linehis manager adding that Gauthier “died suddenly and unexpectedly following a short illness”.

“We can confirm that our dear friend and client, Chris Gauthier, passed away Friday morning, February 23, at the age of 48,” read a statement from TriStar Appearances/Event Horizon Talent to the media outlet. “As a beloved Vancouver-based actor, Chris shared his talents with many of us, on television and in film. His loss is felt not only by his fans, but also by those of us who had the chance to know him more personally. On behalf of his family, we ask for privacy during this time so they can grieve properly.”

Gauthier played William Smee in Once upon a time and Vincent in Eureka. His many television credits also included roles in When Calls the Heart, Smallville, Psych, A Series of Unfortunate Events, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, and the Charm to restart. His most recent credit was the Hallmark 2023 holiday TV movie, Mrs. Claus is coming to town.

He has appeared in several Hallmark films throughout his career, as well as big screen films. Guardians And 40 days and 40 nights, among others.

Chad Colvin of TriStar Appearances spoke about Gauthier's death in a post on Facebook.

“It still doesn't seem real. How is this possible? A world without you is a much darker place. So much so that when his wife contacted me yesterday to tell me the news, I cried tears of disbelief for hours. It's “It's taken me until now to mentally and emotionally prepare myself to write this,” he wrote on Sunday.

“Chris was the literal definition of a character actor. You might not know his name, but you knew his face, you knew his voice, and you knew that if he was on screen, you were going to do one hell of a ride. That he's standing face to face against Clark Kent on Small city as Toyman, tormenting Dean Supernaturalon deck with Hook as Smee Once upon a time or in guest roles in the many productions he was in, he ALWAYS gave his all when the camera was rolling,” Colvin continued. “Brother…I'm going to miss you more than you know. I wish we could have spent a little more time together and that you understood the difference you made, not only in my life, but in the lives of everyone you touched. This world is a little smaller and colder now without you. »

Colin O'Donoghue, who played Captain Hook in Gauthier's Smee in Once upon a timealso paid tribute to his late co-star.

“Rest in peace Chris! Heartbroken!” he wrote, sharing a photo of the two in costume. “My love and thoughts go out to Erin and the boys! We will miss you brother! You were the real captain!!”

According to VarietyGauthier is survived by his wife and children.





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