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In a position to choose now, says actor Roshan Mathew | Bollywood

In a position to choose now, says actor Roshan Mathew |  Bollywood
In a position to choose now, says actor Roshan Mathew |  Bollywood


Mumbai, Feb 24 (PTI) Actor Roshan Mathew, who is currently starring in the critically acclaimed show 'Poacher', credits 2022's 'Darlings' for helping him land better projects.

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Mathew played a leading role in the Alia Bhatt-Shefali Shah starrer Netflix thriller which revolved around a mother and her daughter. It was Bhatt's first production.

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“The best thing an actor can ask for is to be considered for projects and offered projects. You are able to choose. I will never have enough and I will always be greedy .So, I am very grateful for the way Darlings contributed to that. I did 'Poacher' right after that,” Mathew told PTI in an interview.

The 31-year-old actor plays the role of a wildlife warrior in the Prime Video series directed by Richie Mehta, which began streaming on February 23.

The series marks Mehta's return to an OTT platform after the first season of 'Delhi Crime' in 2019.

“Poacher,” also backed by Bhatt as executive producer, is inspired by real-life events that expose India's illegal ivory trade through the prism of forest officials and wildlife warriors.

Mathew, who was a well-established name in Malayalam cinema with critically acclaimed roles in films such as 'Moothon' and 'CU Soon'. He made his Hindi film debut with Anurag Kashyap's “Choked” in 2020.

The actor said that since the story is rooted in his home state Kerala, he, other actors and Mehta had long discussions on the use of certain dialogues.

“We had intense sessions where we were debating with Richie (Mehta). He was asking: Why are the words in Malayalam so long? The lines in English are like this and in Malayalam it's like three pages longer” , remembers Mathew.

Richie would say, “I wrote in English, and here's the Google translation and we'd say, 'No, sorry, we can't use that.' Richie would say: Why? And we would tell him that people don't use that word anymore. It was once used by kings.”

“Poacher” also stars actress Nimisha Sajayan, best known to audiences outside Malayalam cinema for her role in “The Great Indian Kitchen”. Actor Debyendu Bhattachaya of Maharani fame plays the role of a forest official in the eight-part thriller.

Bhattachaya, who has been in the industry for over two decades and has worked in films such as “Black Friday”, “Dev D”, Undekhi and “Rocket boys”, is happy that the stories have gone beyond the typical arc hero. and heroin and are now more content-focused.

Previously, we lived between phases of Indian cinema. There was no content but structures. Heroes, heroines. sequences of villains, singing, dancing and fighting. Revenge story, love story and ending, he says.

I always want to do more relevant work. Now is a very good time because we have a content-driven industry, and content is considered king. I want to continue working on relevant stories like Poacher. »




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