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“All I ever wanted was to be an actor”

“All I ever wanted was to be an actor”
“All I ever wanted was to be an actor”


Bhumi shared this image. (courtesy: BhumiPednekar)

New Delhi:

Bhumi Pednekar shared a long note of gratitude as she completed a 9-year journey in the industry. Bhumi made her debut with the film Dum Laga Ke Haisha alongside Ayushmann Khurrana. In the film, she plays an overweight woman whose husband is unhappy with her physical appearance. Sharing a video from the film, Bhumi wrote, “It's been 9 years… I'm so grateful to be able to wake up every day and do what I love so deeply. All I ever wanted was being an actor. I manifested that. “As a child. I thought this was going to happen to me and here we are. Every opportunity that came my way brought me closer to my dream. From my first job as a casting assistant to Dum laga ke haisha to Bhakshak, it has been so fulfilling.”

Thanking the audience for their love and support, Bhumi wrote, “Thank you my audience for accepting me with so much love. All my filmmakers, co-stars and supporting team are full of gratitude. Special thanks to @shanoosharmarahihai for being there when I needed it. that's the most.”

Thanking Aditya Chopra, who launched her in the film, she wrote, “With the blessings of my father who always watches over us from heaven and the unconditional love with which my mother, my samu, my friends and my family have always spoiled me, I am entering my 10th year motivated to continue.”

Bhumi's post garnered love from her friends and colleagues. Singer Badshah wrote “Finesse”. Tahira Kashayp dropped a red heart emoji. Dolly Singh wrote: “My favorite.” Tisca Chopra has ditched the clapping emojis. Bhumi's sister Samiksha Pednekar wrote: “My queen.” Take a look at Bhumi's post here:

A few days ago, Bhumi shared a long note as she received a gold coin as a token of appreciation from her mother for her performance in Bhakshak. An excerpt from Bhumi's post read, “Mom gives me a gold coin every time she feels I have grown as an actor. After watching Bhakshak, I remember how overwhelmed Mom was and I knew somewhere that I had another one coming. I remember the I came home. No one spoke. Once home, Samiksha started talking to me and there were just tears that flowed into her eyes. She said, “This movie is about more than what it does for you, it's about what it does for these kids. “We can't fail them anymore. Today I have 7 coins from mom. There is no greater reward than the one I get from my family. @sumitrapednekar @samikformenekar thank you for being my biggest cheerleader and my biggest critic.” Watch:

Bhumi Pednekar joined Priyanka Chopra at the masterclass session of JIO MAMI Film Festival 2023 last year. Bhumi made her debut with Dum Laga Ke Haisha. She is popular for films like Shubh Mangal Saavdhan, Saand Ki Aankh, Sonchiriya, Pati Patni Aur Woh, to name a few.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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