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The Sabarmati Report: Watch Vikrant as a journalist covering the Godhra case | Bollywood

The Sabarmati Report: Watch Vikrant as a journalist covering the Godhra case |  Bollywood
The Sabarmati Report: Watch Vikrant as a journalist covering the Godhra case |  Bollywood


The Sabarmati Report: Vikrant Massey, who was last seen in the 2023 film 12th Fail, on Tuesday shared a video about his upcoming film, The Sabarmati Report. Starring Ridhi Dogra and Raashii Khanna, a new clip from the film featured Vikrant as a Hindi journalist, Samar Kumar, sitting in a studio as he broke the news on February 27, 2002, when the Godhra train fire took place. Read also | Vikrant Massey reveals he left TV even though he was paid 35 lakh per month: I had no peace

Sabarmati Report Teaser: Vikrant Massey plays a Hindi journalist in the film.
Sabarmati Report Teaser: Vikrant Massey plays a Hindi journalist in the film.

Watch Sabarmati Report Teaser

The Sabarmati report teaser ends with text stating: February 27, 2002. Godhra, Gujarat. A tribute to the 59 innocent lives burned alive. 22 years, two official reports and multiple investigations later, The Sabarmati Report.

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Sharing the teaser on Instagram, Vikrant Massey wrote in his caption, “Paying tribute to the 59 innocent people who lost their lives in the Godhra train fire 22 years ago, today. Presentation of the Sabarmati Report, in theaters on May 3, 2024.”

Learn more about the film

In a statement, the authors said the Sabarmati report tells a story of events that took place on the Sabarmati Express on the morning of February 27, 2002, near Godhra railway station in Gujarat state. The film is scheduled to hit theaters on May 3, 2024.

Vikrant Massey's recent projects

Vikrant Massey is delighted with the success of his latest film 12th Fail. Vidhu Vinod Chopra's film 12th Fail is based on the life of IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma, with Vikrant playing the lead role.

The film, premiering on OTT (Disney+ Hotstar) in December 2023 after its theatrical release in October 2023, has been praised by celebrities such as Alia Bhatt, Deepika Padukone, Kangana Ranaut and many others.

Apart from The Sabarmati Report, Vikrant will soon be seen in Haseen Dillruba's second installment, titled Phir Aayi Haseen Dilruba, which is scheduled to release in 2024.

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