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Bollywood Newswrap, March 25: Bollywood stars celebrate Holi; Taapsee Pannu and Mathias Boe reportedly got married

Bollywood Newswrap, March 25: Bollywood stars celebrate Holi;  Taapsee Pannu and Mathias Boe reportedly got married


On March 25, 2024, entertainment lovers received a lot of exciting news. From Bollywood celebrities enjoying Holi with family and friends to Taapsee Pannu reportedly getting married to her long-time boyfriend Mathias Boe, let's wrap up today's top Bollywood news.

Here are the top 5 Bollywood news for March 25, 2024

1. Bollywood celebrities enjoy Holi

On the auspicious day of Holi, Bollywood stars were seen enjoying their hearts out with their family members and friends. From Ranbir Kapoor-Alia Bhatt with their daughter Raha, Sidharth Malhotra-Kiara Advani, to newlyweds Pulkit Samrat-Kriti Kharbandato Priyanka Chopra-Nick Jonas with their munchkin Malti, almost every couple and celebrity has shared their Holi moments with their fans.

2. Taapsee Pannu and Mathias Boe reportedly got married

Taapsee Pannu and her long-time boyfriend Mathias Boe reportedly got married recently. According to News18, “The wedding took place in Udaipur and was an extremely intimate affair. The pre-wedding festivities began on March 20. The couple was very sure of having “I didn't want any media attention during their big day. Both are known to be very private and reserved people, and they wouldn't have had it any other way.

According to News18, the wedding was an intimate affair with few Bollywood celebrities in attendance. Taapsee specifically wanted only her closest friends to be present at the ceremony. Taapsee Dobaaraa and Thappad co-star Pavail Gulati was among the guests at her wedding with Mathias. Anurag Kashyap, who shares a close bond with Taapsee and has directed her in films like Manmarziyaan and Dobaara and produced Saand Ki Aankh, also flew to Udaipur.”.

3.Shabana Azmi and Javed Akhtar share an adorable gulal moment on Holi

The video captures a delightful moment at Shabana Azmi and Javed Akhtar's Holi gathering. As they posed for the paparazzi, one particular scene stole the show when the couple playfully applied gulal on each other's faces. Their loving gesture was too endearing and adorable to miss.

4. Arjun Kapoor pens a heartfelt message on his mother's 12th death anniversary

On his Instagram account, Arjun Kapoor shared a major throwback photo with his mother Mona Shourie Kapoor and sister Anshula Kapoor.

Remembering his mother on her 12th death anniversary, the actor wrote: “They say time flies, but it hasn't been 12 years and I still hate this day. I hate this feeling. I hate the fact that I'm running out of photos with U Maa. I hate it.” not being able to say the word Mommy or Maa anymore I hate not seeing Mommy flashing on my phone I hate that we were taken away I have no choice but to pretend I'm okay to keep moving forward to try to make a living but it will always be incomplete without you, I will always be broken without you”

The note further read: “I miss you, I wish you had never left, things would be different, I would be different, maybe I would have smiled a lot more and a lot easier wherever you were, Maa because without you I always find it difficult to smile or even live”

5. Triptii Dimri reveals she couldn't recognize Priyanka Chopra while watching Barfi

In a recent interview with Vogue India, Triptii Dimri praised Priyanka Chopra. She said: “She is very confident and it takes courage to go to another country and start your career again. I think she had the courage to do that. There is so much to learn from an actor like her. I think she is brilliant in all the films she has done, especially Barfi.

Recalling the time she didn't recognize Chopra in the film Barfi, Dimri added, “When I watched Barfi, I couldn't recognize her. I think that's a quality I also want in me. If I do a project and I want people to do it,” She doesn’t feel like Triptii. I think that's the highest compliment for an actor. “

Stay tuned to Pinkvilla for all the latest Bollywood news!

READ ALSO : Triptii Dimri praises 'confident' Priyanka Chopra; says: “It takes courage to go to another country and start a career again”




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