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Glitter Magazine | | Olivia Colman on the Hollywood pay gap

Glitter Magazine |  |  Olivia Colman on the Hollywood pay gap


Oscar-winning British actress Olivia Colman has spoken out about the gender pay gap in Hollywood.
Tom Rose/Shutterstock

Oscar-winning British actress Olivia Colman has spoken out about the gender pay gap in Hollywood.

In an interview with CNN, Coleman expressed his awareness of the disparity, declaring“I am very aware that if I were Oliver Colman I would earn a lot more than I do.”

She stressed that she would earn “a lot more” for her films if she were a man.

Additionally, Colman highlighted a specific case of pay disparity, indicating a staggering 12,000% difference and urging us to “do the math”.

The issue of equal pay has persisted in Hollywood for over a decade despite ongoing discussions.

Additionally, the latest Forbes report on Hollywood's Top 10 Earners of 2023 revealed a star gender disparity, with only two women, Jennifer Aniston and Margot Robbie, making the list.

Therefore, in her conversation with CNN's Christiane Amanpour, Colman highlighted the historic drawing power of women at the box office, saying that executives' claims that male actors attract audiences are decades out of date.

Additionally, Colman, who rose to prominence in Hollywood in 2019 after winning the Best Actress Oscar for her role in “The Favourite,” expressed deep disappointment over the persistent pay gap between men and women. women in the industry.

She criticized the outdated idea that male actors are solely responsible for attracting audiences.

The issue of equal pay gained attention in 2014 following the Sony email hack, which exposed stark pay differences between male and female actors, including Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Adams for American unrest.

Following on from Lawrence, wrote When the Sony hack happened and I found out how much less I was being paid…I didn't get mad at Sony. I got angry with myself.

Additionally, the #MeToo movement has shed more light on the mistreatment of women in Hollywood, amplifying discussions about pay disparities and representation.

Colman's remarks highlight the persistent nature of Hollywood's gender pay gap problem.

USC Annenberg Researchers underlines lingering inequality, noting that only 30 of the top 100 films of 2023 featured a female-identified actress in a lead or co-lead role.

This data suggests that equal pay and representation were issues a decade ago and remain important issues today.




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