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The French actor and singer was 89 years old

The French actor and singer was 89 years old
The French actor and singer was 89 years old


Jean-Paul Vignon, a French actor and singer who frequently lent his Gallic accent to Hollywood productions, died of liver cancer on March 22 in Beverly Hills, California. He was 89 years old.

Among his notable works, Vignon lent his voice to Marc Webb's romantic comedy “(500) Days of Summer” as the French narrator. Her voice appears when lovestruck Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) goes to the movies alone after Summer (Zoey Descanel) breaks up with him, only to fall asleep and dream of a black-and-white French film that speaks to him. suffering.”

Vignon played one of Robin Hood's Merry Men in the first “Shrek” film, part of a group of antagonists encountered by Shrek, Fiona and Donkey during their journey to Duloc. He also voiced the character Gena in the animated feature film “The Adventures of Cheburashka and Friends,” which stars the titular Russian cartoon character.

Among his other acting credits, Vignon also appeared as André in “Gilmore Girls” and as Monsieur Lazare in “Days of Our Lives.”

Vignon began his artistic career as a musician in France. He performed in a cabaret in Paris and starred in the 1950s French films “Les Promesses Dangereuses” and “Asphalte.” He was signed as a singer for the French label Disques Vogue. He recorded the autobiographical song “Djibouti” and opened for Edith Piaf.

Vignon soon took his talents to the United States. He made several appearances on “The Ed Sullivan Show,” singing a duet with Liza Minnelli on one of those occasions. He was also a regular guest on “The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson” as well as Merv Griffin's daytime show. Among his efforts in music and acting, Vignon later released his American album “Because I Love You” and played a supporting role in the World War II film “The Devil's Brigade.” He also hosted the Canadian show “The Sensuous Man”, produced by Dick Clark.

Vignon was born on January 30, 1935 in the port city of Dire-Daoua and grew up in Avignon, France. He is survived by Suzie Summers, his long-time partner; his daughter Marguerite Vignon Gaul and his granddaughters Leah and Hannah from his marriage to the late actress Brigid Bazlen; and his daughter Lucy Brank.




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