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Cruise extends brand association with Bollywood star Vaani Kapoor

Cruise extends brand association with Bollywood star Vaani Kapoor
Cruise extends brand association with Bollywood star Vaani Kapoor


Cruise Appliances Ltd, a leading player in the air conditioning and home appliances sector, is delighted to extend its association with talented and charismatic actor Vaani Kapoor for 2024. This partnership signifies Cruise's commitment to excellence , reflecting Kapoor's versatile and dynamic personality.

With this expansion, the company introduced its exclusive range of heavy-dutyVarioQool air conditionerssuitable for the summer season. Spearheading the implementation of energy-saving approaches through its leading 5-star air conditioners, Cruise has unveiled over 12 innovative VarioQool Inverter.AC models across the Pro and Ultra ranges. Additionally, they introduced 7 new products in the non-inverter category, including the new JetQool and EazyQool series. These non-inverter air conditioners offer alternative solutions for customers looking for reliable cooling options.

Commenting on the extended partnership, Roshan Sirohia, Director at Cruise Appliancesexpressed his excitement over the renewed collaboration with Vaani Kapoor. “Miss Vaani has always exemplified the values ​​of style and charismatic performance – which have resonated with Cruises' young and affluent customers, who pride themselves on design, product quality and superior value. Together, we look forward to continue our mission of providing world-class, high-performance cooling solutions to our customers,” he remarked.

Vaani Kapoor, associated with Cruise since 2022, embodies the brand's values ​​of reliability and excellence, making her the perfect ambassador for Cruise air conditioners. air conditioning and household appliances industry. As a brand ambassador, I look forward to representing Cruise and introducing its cutting-edge technology to consumers across the country. Vaani Kapoor added, expressing her excitement for the continued collaboration.

Created in 1992,Cruise aircrafthas remained true to its commitment to manufacturing robust air conditioners to meet the growing need for comfort cooling in the Indian market. Through continued innovation in engineering, design and digital customer support initiatives, Cruise is steadily moving toward excellence. These investments and strategic advancements are poised to ensure that the company maintains its leading position in the industry while occasionally surprising its loyal customer base with exceptional products.

Looking ahead, Cruise Appliances aims to further strengthen its market presence through collaborations with influential personalities such as Vaani Kapoor, while continuing to innovate and exceed customer expectations in the ever-changing home appliance landscape and air conditioning solutions. The brand is also working to expand its reach to new demographics and geographies, leveraging Vaani Kapoor's widespread appeal and commitment to quality and innovation. With a customer-centric approach and commitment to excellence, Cruise Appliances is poised for continued success and growth in the years to come.




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