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LEMMY's ashes kept at Rainbow Bar & Grill in West Hollywood: video, photos

LEMMY's ashes kept at Rainbow Bar & Grill in West Hollywood: video, photos
LEMMY's ashes kept at Rainbow Bar & Grill in West Hollywood: video, photos


On Friday April 19 at 9:00 p.m., the ashes of ENGINE HEADthe legendary leader of Lemmy Kilmister were dedicated to West Hollywood, California's famous Rainbow Bar & Grill on the Sunset Strip. Fans were also invited “to make a very unique toast to Lemmy And ENGINE HEAD with the unveiling of the all-new Motrhead Whiskey,” according to a social media post from Rainbow. Watch the video and photos below.

In November 2016, Rainbow Bar & Grill dedicated its terrace to Lemmy and renamed it “Lemmy's Lounge”. It was an appropriate gesture on the part of the Rainbow, as when Lemmy wasn't touring or recording, the majority of his waking hours were spent on said terrace. There was already a life-size bronze statue immortalizing Lemmy at Rainbow, which attracts fans from all over the world, and Lemmy's Lounge allows die-hard fans and casual customers to sample the products and atmosphere that Lemmy I loved it so much.

To celebrate Lemmy's Lounge, owner of Roxy Nicholas Adler And Sending gold's Paul Tollet kindly agreed to authorize the painting of a mural commemorating the life of Lemmy And ENGINE HEAD on the side wall of the Roxy, opposite Lemmy's Lounge and the statue.

According to Visit West Hollywood, Lemmy loved the Rainbow so much that he moved to West Hollywood to be closer to it. During the last two decades of his life, he was a regular at the Rainbow whenever the band was not on tour, and was often seen playing the bar's video poker machine.

Lemmy died on December 28, 2015 at the age of 70, shortly after learning he had been diagnosed with cancer.

ENGINE HEAD had to cancel a number of shows in 2015 due to Lemmy's poor health, although the band managed to complete the aforementioned European tour a few weeks before his death.

In June 2020, it was announced that Lemmy would get the biopic treatment. The next film, “Lemmy”will be led by Greg Olliverwho previously directed the documentary of the same name in 2010, “Lemmy”.

A custom urn containing Lemmy's ashes are on permanent display in a columbarium at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Hollywood, California.

In a 2015 interview with Again! review, Lemmy He was asked how he felt when people called him a legend. He replied, “As long as they don’t believe it, it doesn’t matter.” He continued, “Who wouldn't want a hero somewhere in their life? And it might as well be me, because I don't make fun of them, and I don't make fun of them at all. because of that.” But he added: “I'm not a legend. I've never thought of myself as special in particular. Maybe I make brilliant music, but that's it.”

As stated previously, Lemmy will be permanently commemorated at Outdoor Bloodstock festival in the United Kingdom. A part of Lemmythe ashes of will be housed at Blood stock one of the few places in the world in a unique urn, the festival having commissioned a bust of Lemmy to incorporate the ashes. Fans will be able to view the installation and pay tribute to Lemmy and his legacy in the on-site RAM gallery. Once the festival is over, the bust of Lemmy will move to Nottingham's Rock City, where fans will have access to the Ashes; they will return each year to their main home on the sacred territory of Blood stock at Catton Park.

Great to see many friends at RAINBOW BAR AND GRILL last night dedicating Lemmy! Rainbow was filled with family and fans!

Official Motrhead

posted by Jessica Chase Saturday April 20, 2024

Lemmy Kilmister's ashes dedicated at RAINBOW BAR AND GRILL tonight

posted by April Mancuso on Saturday April 20, 2024

FRIDAY APRIL 19 at 9 p.m.

Join us in dedicating Lemmy's ashes to…

posted by RAINBOW BAR AND GRILL on Tuesday March 19, 2024




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