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Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemons: the story of Hollywood's most discreet power couple | people

Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemons: the story of Hollywood's most discreet power couple |  people


They may not ignite the generational passions of Zendaya and Tom Holland, grab headlines as much as Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck or dazzle on the red carpet like Amal and George Clooney, but very few can boast of the success and prestige they have. In less than a decade, performers Kirsten Dunst, 41, and Jesse Plemons, 36, have risen to a prime position on the list of power couples the superparejas of Hollywood, setting an example of how to reconcile low media visibility with a professional career as strong as their relationship. Today's billboards bear witness to this in good faith: their last film together, the controversial Civil war, premiered at the top of the US box office. In this dystopian drama, Dunst plays a photojournalist who travels across the United States as the country is mired in a bloody civil war, while Plemons plays a violent soldier. A short role, but so disturbing that the actor intended to play it abandoned it at the last moment and, in the words of his wife, forced Plemons to do the crew a favor and join the filming.

Civil war, arriving in Spanish cinemas on April 19, is the third time that the couple has collaborated on an audiovisual project. Previously, they received Emmy nominations for their participation in the second season of the famous television adaptation of Fargo and two more Oscar nominations after coinciding with the equally famous western The power of the dog. While Kirsten Dunst became one of the essential faces of Hollywood at a very young age dosmilero, her husband has gradually carved out a status of secondary luxury and a guarantee of quality. Over the past decade, Plemons has worked on seven films nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture, putting him in the exclusive company of legends such as Marlon Brando and Katharine Hepburn. It's likely that the controversy generated by a story that depicts a politically divided country will keep them from entering the awards race again, but critics are unanimous: their performance is the best in the film.

Their love story began in the corridors of an airport in 2015, while they were waiting for the plane that would take them to Calgary, Canada, to begin filming. Fargo. Plemons, who became famous worldwide thanks to his work on the series Break the bad, recalls hearing his future wife scream his name as he tried to relieve stress before takeoff by looking at magazines in a terminal store. Without any words having been exchanged, I looked into her eyes and saw the beautiful, gentle, sincere and welcoming woman that she is. One moment was enough for me. My nerves and anxiety disappeared and I knew everything would be okay. reminder during the unveiling of his wife's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2019.

Jesse Plemons and Kirsten Dunst at the inauguration of the actress's star on the famous Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2019.
Jesse Plemons and Kirsten Dunst at the inauguration of the actress's star on the famous Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2019. Gregg DeGuire (FilmMagic/Getty Images)

The actress of Spider Man and muse of Sofia Coppola ratified this instant connection that was created between them: first, we fell in love creatively, but after two weeks, I already knew that this man was going to accompany me for the rest of my life. After filming the series ended in the fall of the same year, they missed each other for a few months, and in early spring they began their romance. In 2018, they welcomed their first child, Ennis, and three years later James. The two pregnancies were confirmed to the press in a unique way: the first, as part of a campaign for the fashion brand Rodarte, of which the actress is an ambassador; the second, in a report for the magazine W photographed by Coppola herself and also styled by Rodarte.

First fatherhood and then the pandemic delayed their wedding, but in July 2022, they said yes, I do at a wedding in Jamaica. When work does not require them to reside in Los Angeles, the couple spends most of their time in a small town in Texas, on the family ranch where Plemons grew up, surrounded by horses. Even if the specialized site Celebrity Net Worth estimates that their joint fortune exceeds 40 million dollars, they are far from conforming to the clichés of charm and ostentation Hollywood. They are rarely seen at public events, they have no close friends in the industry and they boast of an analog lifestyle that they instilled in their children: at home we have readers of music, we don't use Siri. Our kids don't have iPads, so if they want to use one on the plane, it has to be their dad's. And we're not the type to leave our cell phones in restaurants either. I'm not going to raise a child who can't have a conversation at the dinner table, corroborates Dunst in an interview in early April in Variety. Asked about the most popular films at the cinema, he confirms that he only has time to see one, Paw Patrol.

Although success came earlier in the actress' career, who was catapulted to fame by kissing Brad Pitt when she was just 11 years old in Interview with the Vampire (1994), their lives certainly followed parallel paths. They both come from small towns, started working at a very young age and tried to balance cinema more Pop corn with author projects. They are atypical stars, devoid of the artifices and mannerisms typical of Hollywood and free enough to turn any promotional interview into a nightmare for the corseted public relations of the Mecca of cinema.

The couple keeps a low profile.  Pictured, shopping in Los Angeles in 2018.
The couple keeps a low profile. Pictured, shopping in Los Angeles in 2018.BG015/Bauer-Griffin (GC Images/Getty Images)

Dunst, for example, spoke about the decades-long pressure she faced to lose weight and replace her teeth with a perfect Barbie smile, sinking into depression at age 27. The last two years, those between The power of the dog Yes Civil wardid not set foot on a film set because she was only offered roles as sad mothers and denounced the ageist scourge that continues to plague the industry. Plemons, for his part, rejects what every star is supposed to love: attention. The American edition of the magazine GQ There QUALIFICATIONS as the worst trickster in all of Hollywood, despite the fact that Martin Scorsese himself ensures from him that his future has no limits. The Texan, however, prefers to enjoy his days on the farm with Dunst and only go to Los Angeles for the bare essentials. This is what he certified in an interview: I have no aspirations to conquer Hollywood. Or the world. Or nothing.




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