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For Bollywood, 2 big flops raise questions about quality and a potentially difficult 2024

For Bollywood, 2 big flops raise questions about quality and a potentially difficult 2024


Manoj Desai is quite upset. He has spent 52 years in the Hindi film industry, a place where success and failure are equally unpredictable.

However, it is clear that this is by far the most difficult phase ever. And not without reason.

The famous producer and executive director of Mumbai-based multiplex G7 and Maratha Mandir has a problem to solve: the cancellation of the afternoon show.

The much-hyped Bade Miyan Chote Miyan bombed at the box office – claims collections across India by the end of day 11 stood at Rs 53 crore on a budget of Rs 350 crore – with the presence from star Akshay Kumar. makes no difference.

The other big film was Maidaan, a biographical sports drama, starring Ajay Devgn in the lead. It collected barely Rs 30 crore and with a budget of over Rs 150 crore.

“Let's be clear. Content is a big problem today,” Desai says. The first quarter of the 2024 calendar is over and the disappointment is visible: limited number of visits. What stunned Desai was the lack of public interest even though April had many vacations. “OTT is already eating into our business and if we don’t have good content, it becomes even more difficult.”

It's early summer and the release pipeline should be strong. Schools and colleges take a break and a healthy box office sets the foundation for the rest of the year. Girish Johar, producer and film business expert, points out the audience's ability to spend but not much willingness. Yes, people stay away. The reasons have to do with quality of content, expensive tickets, IPL, OTT and general elections,” he says. According to him, good content could have saved the situation. “Bade Miya Chote Miyan was a bad film and Maidaan was in the works for a very long time. I don’t think we’ve had a more unproductive Eid at the Hindi box office.”

Bollywood needs to do a few other things. For example, the length of the film is problematic. Desai says that's easily 2 hours and 15 minutes without counting the break. “It's a lot to expect from a person to keep that kind of time aside and end up watching a bad movie. There's not enough thought put into the process and that's dangerous.”

There are a few fundamental truths that the industry must recognize in a post-pandemic world. Watching content at your convenience is a reality. “The fact is that people are turning away from cinemas. Family viewing has declined and there is a marked change in the preferences of young people,” says trade analyst Amod Mehra. While he talks about the exhibition sector in a specific location — even the most conservative estimates suggest that at least 70% of single-screen theaters in major centers have been closed — the problem with content is that even regular movies struggle to function normally. business. “We are getting carried away by a few successes and nothing is being done to resolve the more fundamental question of content. This is the only way to strengthen the economic model,” he insists.




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