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Top 10 Romantic Bollywood Movies

Top 10 Romantic Bollywood Movies


By Shaheen Irani, Glamsham Editorial

What would love be without Bollywood romance? As we celebrate Valentine's Day 2015, we bring you the top 10 romantic Bollywood films that taught us more about love. We're not saying these 10 romantic movies are the only romantic movies, but they make our list because we think they deserve a special mention. Look at…


Shah Rukh Khan, as a charmer, wants to woo Kajol, who is too difficult a girl to get. Romance then blossoms between the two and Shah Rukh Khan wants to be the Dilwala jo DULHANIA THE JAYENGA.


Shah Rukh Khan is the lover who lost his love, that's why he can't bear to see couples breaking up. He returns to the life he left after the death of his lover; and things start to turn out for the better.

Who are you?

Salman Khan and Madhuri Dixit love each other. Their love requires patience and sacrifice. HUM AAPKE HAIN KAUN takes you on a journey of emotions; romance is an important one!

How hot is it?

Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol are best friends who took time to bond over love due to certain circumstances. However, when the two came together, KUCH KUCH HOTA HAI.


Pretty woman Preity Zinta falls in love with the soon-to-be-dead Shah Rukh Khan, who helps Preity find love in his colleague Saif Ali Khan. Shah Rukh teaches Preity how to live in the moment, because who knows KAL HO NA HO?


Alia Bhatt is all set to get married, but she won't do it without her designer lehenga! So she goes on a trip and finds love with Varun Dhawan, who now wants to marry Alia Bhatt. Finding HUMPTY SHARMA KI DULHANIA is just a beautiful journey!


Anushka Sharma faces tragedy and marries a man she doesn't know (Shah Rukh Khan). But when her husband changes according to her standards, then she is ready to accept true love in the form of her own husband!


Aditya Roy Kapur gives up fame and glamor to see his girlfriend (Shraddha Kapoor) famous. He also gave up his life and lived with Shraddha in his thoughts all his life!


Ashutosh Gowariker's JODHAA AKBAR starred Hrithik Roshan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in the lead roles. Their chemistry was extremely appreciated by the audience.


JAB WE MET has given Kareena Kapoor Khan and Shahid Kapoor a new direction in life as the film has become a blockbuster and is guaranteed to bring smiles even when watched 20 years from now.

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