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“Sorry I have great tits.”

“Sorry I have great tits.”


We recently shared comments from veteran film producer Carol Baum about Madame Web star Sydney Sweeney at a recent event in New York.

The producer, which includes personalities like Dead ringtones And Buffy the Vampire Slayer Among his many credits, I talked about watching Anyone but you on a plane and described it as “unwatchable”.

However, Baum's personal comments about Sweeney saw her come under fire after exclaiming: “Tell me about this girl. She's not pretty, she can't act. Why is she so sexy?”

Sweeney's team later issued a scathing response that said: “How sad that a woman in a position to share her expertise and experience would instead choose to attack another woman.”

“If this is what she has learned over her decades in the industry and feels is appropriate to teach to her students, that is shameful. Unfairly denigrating a fellow producer speaks volumes about her character. Ms. Baum.”

Sweeney proved she could act with stellar performances Euphoria And Immaculate, while she is also making her mark in Hollywood as a producer. Now, in an Instagram post sharing several photos from her recent vacation to Mexico, the actress seemingly took a photo of Baum with a tongue-in-cheek photo.

As you can see in the gallery below, she is wearing a sweatshirt that reads: “Sorry I have great tits.”

Last month, Sweeney addressed some people's apparent obsession with her body, explaining: “I see it, and I can't allow myself to react. I don't know how to explain it. I'm still trying to figure it out myself.”

“People feel connected and free to be able to talk about me however they want, because they believe that I have given up on my life. That I am no longer on a human level, because I am an actor. That these characters are for everyone, but then me as Sydney, it's no longer for me.

“It’s this weird relationship that people have with me that I have no control or influence over.” she concludes.

Sweeney was recently rumored to be in talks for a role in the MCU, possibly as Black Cat in Spider-Man 4. It was a highlight of Sony's ill-fated career Madame Webbut given the response to that, it's easy to imagine her wanting to erase the bad taste left by the role of Julia Cornwall by becoming Felicia Hardy.

As for Baum, she has yet to respond to Sweeney but may want to avoid further negative reactions online.




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