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Judah & the Lion announce The Process 2024 tour

Judah & the Lion announce The Process 2024 tour
Judah & the Lion announce The Process 2024 tour


With special guest Abe Parker

New album The Process available May 10

Tickets available from Tuesday April 23 with Citi presale

General on-sale begins Friday, April 26 at 10:00 a.m. local time

Today, Judah and the Lion announced their 2024 The process tour. Produced by Live Nation, the 17-city tour kicks off October 4 at the Tulsa Theater in Tulsa and makes stops across the United States in Denver, Boston, Philadelphia and more before wrapping up in Nashville at the Nashville Municipal Auditorium on the 26 october.

The band began releasing songs from The Process last year. The new material has racked up over 10 million combined global streams to date and has earned spots on numerous playlists across all DSPs, including Spotify's New Music Friday, Apple Music's New Music Daily and Amazon Music's Alternative Hits, with additional support from SiriusXM Alt Nations Advanced Placement. , Pandora, YouTube, SoundCloud, Tidal, Audiomack and Deezer. The group's single, Floating in the Night, reached number 36 on Alternative Radio. Listen to Floating in the Night HERE

TICKETS: Tickets will be available from Citi pre-sales (details below) starting Tuesday, April 23. Additional pre-sales will run throughout the week before the general on-sale begins Friday, April 26 at 10 a.m. local time at

PRESALE: Citi is the official card of the Process Tour. Citi Cardmembers will have access to pre-sale tickets starting Tuesday, April 23 at 12 p.m. ET through Thursday, April 25 at 10 p.m. local time through the Citi Entertainment program. For more details on the presale, visit


Fri Oct 04 Tulsa, OK The Tulsa Theater

Sat, Oct 05 Kansas City, MO Uptown Theater

Sun Oct 06 Omaha, NE Steelhouse Omaha

Tue Oct 08 Salt Lake City, UT The Union Event Center

Wednesday, October 9 Denver, CO Fillmore Auditorium

Sat, October 12 Milwaukee, WI The Rave

Sun October 13 Grand Rapids, MI GLC Live at 20 Monroe

Tuesday October 15 Columbus, OH KEMBA Live!

Thu October 17 Boston, MA Citizens House of Blues

Friday, October 18 Silver Spring, MD The Fillmore Silver Spring

Sat, October 19 Philadelphia, PA The Fillmore Philadelphia

Sun, October 20 Raleigh, NC Red Hat Amphitheater

Wednesday, October 23 – Charleston, North Carolina – The Refinery

Thu Oct 24 Birmingham, AL Avondale Brewing Company

Fri October 25 Atlanta, GA Coca-Cola Roxy

Saturday, October 26 Nashville, TN Nashville Municipal Auditorium


Since their debut EP in 2012, Judah & the Lion have been widely acclaimed for their genre-changing music, received platinum/gold certifications, and have accumulated over 910 million career streams. Six of their hit singles entered the Top 15 at alternative radio and the group won an iHeart Music Award for Best New Alternative Rock Band of 2018.

Their upcoming album, “The Process,” (due spring 2024) was inspired by the personal life and struggles of singer Judah Akers. When considering entering the studio, Akers realized he had to be honest in order to write music again. Inspired by Kbler-Ross's five stages of grief, the album became a cycle of songs through the stages of grief through the lens of eventual forgiveness and hope. After running through “The Process,” Akers and his partner in crime, mandolinist Brian Macdonald, emerged with a dynamic, passionate and emotionally connective record. The band has a reinvigorated sense with its goal of creating music that resonates deeply, believing in the power of music to connect people and make them feel less alone in life's journey.

About Live Nation Entertainment

Live Nation Entertainment (NYSE: LYV) is the global leader in live entertainment, comprised of global market leaders: Ticketmaster, Live Nation Concerts and Live Nation Sponsorship. For more information, visit


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