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'Battlestar Galactica' Actor Was 95

'Battlestar Galactica' Actor Was 95
'Battlestar Galactica' Actor Was 95


Terry Carter, the pioneering actor, documentarian and broadcaster whose screen credits included the original Battlestar Galactica, McCloudAnd Foxy Brown, died Tuesday at his home in Manhattan. He was 95 years old.

Carter's manager, Ken Leicht, confirmed the news to Weekly Entertainment. Although the cause of death was not provided, Leicht noted that Carter “had been ill for some time.” “Terry was a really nice guy,” Leicht says. “We will miss him.”

Born John Everett DeCoste in 1928, Carter grew up in Brooklyn and attended several colleges, including Hunter College, Boston University, UCLA, Northeastern University and St. John's University Law School. He studied acting with Howard Da Silva in the early 1950s and played a number of roles in Broadway and Off Broadway stage productions early in his career, including Ms. Pattersonin which he appeared opposite Eartha Kitt.

Terry Carter.

Everett collection

Carter's revolutionary screen project was The Phil Silvers Show, on which he played Pvt. Sugie Sugarman from 1955 to 1959 and was the only black regular cast member. In the 1960s, he appeared in several television shows, including the World War II drama The World War II. Combat, where he was the only Black GI character in the entire series. Carter also served as an anchor for Boston's NBC affiliate, WBZ-TV, from 1965 to 1968, making him New England's first black news anchor.

Carter appeared in many of his most prominent projects in the 1970s. After directing the 1973 film Blaxploitation Brother on the runCarter played Pam Grier's boyfriend in the genre's landmark hit Foxy Brown in 1974. The same year, he played a police officer in the dog-centered family film. Benji. Carter also played Colonel Tigh, second in command, in the sci-fi series. Battlestar Galactica in the late 1970s and Sgt. Joe Broadhurst, the protagonist's partner in McCloudfor seven seasons.

Carter started his own production company, Meta/4 Productions, in Los Angeles in 1975. He and his company produced more than 100 educational documentaries, some of which were intended for the Library of Congress, PBS, and the National Endowment for the Arts. Among his most notable documentary projects are Technique by Katherine Dunhamwho captured the titular choreographer's process, and A Duke Named Ellington, a two-part documentary that explores the life and music of famed jazz pianist Duke Ellington. The latter project received an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Informational Special.

Terry Carter as Colonel Tigh in “Battlestar Galactica”.

ABC/getty photo archives

In the early 1990s, Carter made another documentary about Dunham, Katherine Dunham: Dancing with Life. The United States Information Agency sent him on tour to China to liaise with the country's students and filmmakers during the same period. He spent the final years of his career working in Scandinavia before retiring to New York in 2013. Carter's survivors include his wife, daughter, son and daughter-in-law.

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