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BBC Factual announces three new natural history programs

BBC Factual announces three new natural history programs


The BBC has announced three ambitious new natural history programmes, including a new five-part historical series, Hidden Planet and a new four-part series with wildlife cameraman Hamza Yassin, both for BBC One and iPlayer; and a new one-off film, Expedition Killer Whale for BBC Two and iPlayer.

Jack Bootle, Head of Commissioning, Factual Specialist, said: These are three exciting projects that demonstrate the breadth of natural history programming on the BBC. I'm committed to ensuring we remain the place where wildlife filmmakers do their best work and I love collaborating with Bristol's creatives. The city is an extraordinary global hub of talent, and its natural history producers are the envy of the world. I look forward to doing more programs with them in the future.

Hidden planet

Twenty years after the groundbreaking Life in the Undergrowth series, Hidden Planet will delve into the secret world of Earth's most successful and important insects. Building on the remarkable advances in camera technology pioneered by The Green Planet, the series reveals the beautiful and dramatic lives of insects in unprecedented detail.

Across five episodes filmed around the world, full of new behaviors, new ideas and extraordinary drama, the series will reveal that insects are loving parents who care for their offspring and defend their families, accomplished architects who build beautiful structures and sophisticated, attractive and manipulative communicators. large animals, including us.

The series will also explore how insects transform and protect both the world they live in and ours.

Hidden Planet (5×60) for BBC One and iPlayer was commissioned by Commissioning Manager, Factual Specialist Jack Bootle. It is a production of the Natural History Unit at BBC Studios, the executive producer is Mike Gunton, the series producer is Paul Williams and the series editor is Scott Alexander. The BBC's editor-in-chief is Sreya Biswas, head of natural history. It is co-produced by The Open University.

Hidden wild islands of Hamzas

In this brand new series for BBC One and iPlayer, wildlife cameraman Hamza Yassin will reveal wildlife gems from across the UK's four countries.

In each program, Hamza will discover and film incredible species and spectacles hidden in our urban and wilder landscapes. From hidden nighttime encounters to perfectly camouflaged creatures hiding in plain sight, it will reveal that wildlife is everywhere; you just have to know where to look for it.

Through Hamza, share a sense of awe and wonder as he guides us through the natural world and discover that wildlife is everywhere, you just have to know how to look.

With Hamza's knowledge, warmth and enthusiasm, he will share tips and advice, encouraging viewers to connect with nature, wherever they are.

Stunning aerial photography provides a special sense of time and place, combined with top-notch cinematography and footage of wildlife film crews filmed on their local plot. Each of the four episodes will follow a seasonal narrative as nature's calendar unfolds throughout the year.

The series is produced by Silverback Films, the team behind BBC One's flagship series Wild Isles and the breakout hit Hamza: Strictly Birds of Prey. It is co-produced by the National Trust and the Open University.

Hamzas Hidden Wild Isles (4×60) for BBC One and iPlayer was commissioned by Commissioning Officer, Factual Specialist Jack Bootle and is produced by multi-BAFTA and Emmy Award-winning Silverback Films, part of the All3 Group Media. The producer and director of the series is Laura Howard, the executive producer is Alastair Fothergill and the executive producer is Siobhan Brook. The BBC's editor-in-chief is Sreya Biswas, head of natural history.

Expedition Killer Whale

This unique film is a fascinating, deep dive into the complex hunting methods and communication techniques of the oceans' largest predator, the killer whale.

In a remote corner of Antarctica, a group of killer whales capture their prey in the most extraordinary way. But these whales are now threatened. A team of experts travels to the whale hunting grounds in a notoriously remote location in Antarctica. This is an unprecedented expedition allowing unique access to these fascinating animals. Using the latest technology, scientists and film crews are recording everything they can about killer whales, decoding the language they use to coordinate their hunting rituals and assessing their chances of survival in the modern world.

Expedition Killer Whale (1×60) was commissioned by Jack Bootle for BBC Two and iPlayer. This is a BBC Studios Natural History Unit production for BBC and PBS with the WNET Group. The director/producer is Vanessa Coates and the executive producer is Orla Doherty. The BBC's editor-in-chief is Sreya Biswas, head of natural history.





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