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Canberra actor John Cuffe has died aged 91

Canberra actor John Cuffe has died aged 91


John Cuffe and Liz St Clair Long as Alceste and Climne in The Misanthrope. Photo: Andrew Sikorski

One of the last luminaries of Canberra's professional theater explosion of the 1970s has died from lung cancer. He was 91 years old.

John Cuffe, who died at the University of Canberra Hospital on April 23, was an Englishman who had served in the British armed forces in Cyprus and performed professionally on stage in London.

Having emigrated to Australia, he became known in Canberra in the early 1970s and starred with Lynette Curran in Algis Butavicius's 1973 Canberra production of Roger Pulvers' play Joes Encyclopedia.

Cuffe became known for his excellent character acting and as an actor of remarkable versatility and emotional depth.

Determined at all costs to take on only professional roles, he was a loyal member of Actors Equiry (now MEAA).

But he nevertheless broke his own rule by starring in productions of the late Ralph Wilson's classics, from Shakespeare to Molière.

John Cuffe as the Christian Brother. Photo: Andrew Sikorski

He appeared on screen in Dad and Dave: On Our Selection and periodically left the city to work in Sydney on the television series The Explorers, The Last Bastion and Murder Call and had a small role in a Chinese film while visiting another Canberra actor, the late John Paisley.

His most admired performance was undoubtedly for the Fortune Theater Company in Ron Blair's play The Christian Brothers at the Canberra Theater Clubroom in September 1977. The late Pamela Rosenberg and Wilson were co-directors and Cuffe played the brother.

His last professional stage appearance was in Peter Mottley's After Agincourt, directed by Bradley at the Street Theater Studio in 2007. Here he played the Shakespeare character Pistol, one of his all-time favorites .

At a May 2019 celebration of Ralph Wilson at the Gorman Arts Center, he reprized his brother role and, along with Liz St Clair Long, also treated the audience to a reading of Molières's The Misanthrope, giving us a taste of the sizzle that always accompanied his performances.

Cuffe and his stage colleague, the late Phil Mackenzie, later that same week revisited two of Wilson's favorite Chekhov sketches, Smoking is Bad For You and Swansong, on stage at Smith's Alternative, directed by Liz Bradley.

Details of his funeral will be released as soon as they become available.

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Ian Meikle, editor




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