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The Japanese know what happened next

The Japanese know what happened next


Warning: spoilers ahead for episode 10 of Shgun


  • According to Hiroyuki Sanada,
    season 2 is uncertain, as the miniseries has already completed the source material.
  • However, even though the story is fictionalized, the actual story leaves room for continuation.
  • While Season 2 may not happen, the show's creators and cast have delivered a gripping, well-acted story that (maybe) ends on a good note.

The chances of Shgun season 2 receives an uncertain response from Hiroyuki Sanada, who plays Lord Yoshii Toranaga. The latest installment of FX's historical drama offered a sense of closure for Toranaga and John Blackthrone (Cosmo Jarvis), while confirming the fate of Toda Mariko and providing resolution for several supporting characters. But even as it draws to a close, with Lady Ochiba (Fumi Nikaido) offering Toranaga a lifeline, there are paths for the critically acclaimed series to explore in a potential second installment.

In an interview with Rant on the screenby Grant Hermanns, Sanada discussed the possibility of Shgun season 2, giving a mixed response. Sanada acknowledged that, unlike season 1, there would be no James Clavell novel to come out. But he also pointed out that the fictional characters in the series are based on historical figures, leaving open the possibility of a sequel. Read Sanada's comments below:

We finished the novel, so we don't have any more James Clavell novels, but we have a real story. The Japanese know what happened after that, so yeah, who knows? Yeah, well, it depends on the idea, I think. I have no idea. We have a role model, so I know everything he did up until he died. [Chuckles] But it’s original, fictional entertainment, right? Like season 1, we follow the novel, we don't just follow the historical books. It is therefore a fiction.

There Is a Path for Shgun Season 2 (But Should the Show Follow It?)

Even Toranaga predicts the outcome of the ensuing war Shgun The series finale.

One of the strengths of the series is that it is an adaptation of a single book, telling a gripping and wonderfully acted story across ten episodes.

Earlier in ShgunIt is Along the way, it was reported that FX was considering submitting the historical epic as an ongoing drama or limited series. It was also mentioned that the producers were considering bringing the series back for a second installment. This back and forth could perhaps be observed throughout the end of Shgun episode 10. The finale, written by Maegan Houang and Emily Yoshida and directed by Frederick EO Toye, provides closure, but it also raises questions about a possible season 2.

Perhaps the most important thread has to do with Blackthrone itself. In an apparent dream sequence that begins the episode and occasionally repeats thereafter, a much older and delusional character Shgun the character still holds on to Mariko's memory. It is suggested that he stays in Japan and the episode changes dimension. focus on the complex relationship between Toranaga and Blackthronewhich could prove to be a fruitful axis for season 2.


Shogun Season 2 May Not Happen, But There Are 4 Back-to-Back TV Series That Could

If season 2 of Shgun seems impossible since it is based on a novel by James Clavell, several other books by the author can also be adapted for television.

It is another question whether Shgun should come back. One of the strengths of the series is that it is an adaptation of a single book, telling a gripping and wonderfully acted story across ten episodes. Series creators Rachel Kondo and Justin Marks, along with the writing team, direction, cast and crew, have delivered what may well be the best series of the year. Maybe there’s something to be said for leaving one’s legacy there.

is streaming on Hulu in the United States and on Disney+ internationally.

Shogun 2024 Poster


Shogun is an FX original miniseries set in 17th century Japan. Shogun follows John Blackthorne, who becomes a samurai warrior but unknowingly is a pawn in Yoshii Toranaga's plan to become Shogun. The series stars Cosmo Jarvis as John Blackthorne and Hiroyuki Sanada as Yoshii Toranaga, as well as Anna Sawai, Tadanobu Asano and Yûki Kedôin.

Cosmo Jarvis, Hiroyuki Sanada, Anna Sawai, Tadanobu Asano, Yki Kedin


Streaming service(s)

Maegan Houang, Rachel Kondo, Justin Marks, Emily Yoshida

Frederick EO Toye, Jonathan van Tulleken




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