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Officials confirm Utah Symphony's inclusion in downtown sports and entertainment project after petition launch

Officials confirm Utah Symphony's inclusion in downtown sports and entertainment project after petition launch


Abravanel Hall concert venue in a Salt Lake County Arts photo

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, May 7, 2024 (Gephardt Daily) — The Utah Symphony, Smith Entertainment Group and Salt Lake County Mayor Jenny Wilson confirmed Tuesday that the symphony will be included in plans for a project city ​​center of sports, entertainment, culture and convention district.

This declaration comes after more than 19,000 people signed a petition launched Monday asking fans to “save Abravanel Hall.”

“With the recent announcement of a National Hockey League team coming to Utah and the authorization of the Utah State Legislature in Salt Lake City to increase the sales tax for help fund a home for the team, the future of Abravanel Hall, home of the Utah Symphony, could be at stake,” the petition created by Jack Clark states.

Abravanel Hall has been home to the Utah Symphony since 1979.

“In many ways, it is the center of the performing arts in the state of Utah,” the petition states.

“In addition to costing the average Salt Lake City taxpayer $100 per year for 30 years, Ryan Smith's current plans could require a major renovation or even destruction of this magnificent historic building,” the petition notes.

“The Utah Symphony would have no place to play, and the performing arts in Utah could grind to a halt, or even end the orchestra as we know it.”

The Save Abravanel Hall petition says the venue, named for longtime Utah Symphony music director Maurice Abravanel, would be eligible for protected status on the National Register of Historic Places in just five years.

“Could the timing of this ‘improvement’ project be intentional on the part of the city and legislators,” the petition asks. “Now is the time for concerned citizens to call on our local leaders to protect Abravanel Hall and stop the destruction of this irreplaceable gem.” Abravanel Hall may still exist thanks to renovations in historic downtown Salt Lake City. Everyone can win if we are willing to compromise and grow the district in a reasonable way that does not impact the livelihoods of Utah Symphony members or the quality of life in our state.

Google Streets image of the Abravanel room

Response from officials

The press release issued Tuesday, citing Salt Lake County Major Jenny Wilson, Smith Entertainment Group (SEG) and Utah Symphony management as contributors, says all have “come together to collaborate on proposed developments that would serve to create a sporting, entertainment and cultural environment. and Convention District (SECC) in downtown Salt Lake. The district should prioritize each of these four elements while opening an east-west corridor that will improve downtown connectivity and increase its vibrancy.

“Although public attention has been focused on a new sports arena as part of the downtown revitalization proposal, all parties agree that fine arts and culture will continue to have a strong and vital presence in the heart of downtown.

Salt Lake County Mayor Wilson, to whom the petition was addressed, said she, SEG and Symphony “deeply appreciate the community's commitment to the future of Maurice Abravanel Hall,” the statement from press.

“It is heartwarming to see the community’s affection for this iconic venue, home to a world-renowned orchestra, which is a defining part of Utah’s cultural identity.”

The revitalization project is “in its early stages and no decisions on the future of Abravanel Hall have been made, and the Utah Symphony, Smith Entertainment Group and the Mayor's Office are committed to working collaboratively toward the he shared goal of ensuring that Salt Lake City continues to benefit from a symphony hall of the highest quality that meets the needs of its professional musicians and community.

The statement does not go so far as to say that the existing building, with its white oak paneling, four-story wall of glass, gold leaf and red blown glass sculpture by glass artist Dale Chihuly, will be preserved.

Abravanel Hall concert venue in a Salt Lake County Arts photo

“For more than a year, the Utah Symphony and Salt Lake County have been working on a comprehensive master plan for the renovation of Abravanel Hall aimed at addressing critical needs,” the press release said. “This plan includes ensuring ADA compliance, modernizing front and back of house facilities, improving acoustic quality, technology upgrades and modernizing air conditioning systems. cooling and heating. The costs of comprehensively resolving these long-standing problems are estimated to run into the hundreds of millions of dollars.

“The Sports, Entertainment, Culture and Convention District has the potential to accelerate and improve how these long-standing challenges will be addressed, amplify Symphonys' presence in the community, expand access to the arts, to provide the best possible environment. so that symphony artists can carry out their work and significantly improve the customer experience.

The statement said officials “must weigh all factors, including the high cost of a renovation and the benefits of rebuilding.”

“With recognition of the importance of stakeholder and community participation in this critical conversation, the exploration of a sports, entertainment, cultural and convention district will continue deliberately and strategically to ensure a extraordinary outcome for the arts and vital arts of downtown Salt Lake City and Utah. cultural communities. »




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