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Congress moves EC against Viksit Bharat Run as AU prepares to hold event

Congress moves EC against Viksit Bharat Run as AU prepares to hold event


DU VC Yogesh Singh, badminton player Saina Nehwal and Bollywood actor Rajkummar Rao are likely to be present at the event.

DU VC Yogesh Singh, badminton player Saina Nehwal and Bollywood actor Rajkummar Rao are likely to be present at the event. | Photo credit: archive photo

The Delhi Congress unit on Tuesday filed a complaint with the Election Commission of India (EC), claiming that Delhi University's Viksit Bharat event on Wednesday was organized in violation of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC).

The complaint said posters for the event featured the prime minister's photo and called the event election propaganda. He added that the MCC notification states under the Do Not Do category that no official work should be mixed with campaigning/campaigning and the Wednesday event falls under this category.

However, the university said it would hold the event as planned.

Delhi will vote on May 25, in the sixth phase of the Lok Sabha elections.

The university announced on May 2 that it would organize a 2.5 km run for Viksit Bharat for 5,000 students.

Badminton player Saina Nehwal, Bollywood actor Rajkummar Rao and vice-chancellor Yogesh Singh are likely to be present at the event.

The announcement was made following a meeting between university officials and BJP leader Kuljeet Singh Chahal.

Several teachers unions condemned the event and said it violated the voting code.

A day after DU, Jindal Global University had announced a similar program for May 5, before postponing it on the grounds that the date was too close to the exams.

The Viksit Bharat program was launched by the Prime Minister in December last year. It aims to give a platform to young people to contribute to the vision of Viksit Bharat @2047, the idea of ​​a developed India by 2047, the 100th anniversary of Independence.

Nothing to do with the survey

An AU official, who did not wish to be named, said: “The event will take place as the EC has not issued any instructions to the contrary. The official added: Yes, the Prime Minister had inaugurated it. But this is part of the ongoing program and has nothing to do with elections or any political party.

Earlier in the day, External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar addressed the students of DU Hansraj College on Tuesday, saying: The next 25 years of Amrit Kaal are your future. This is the journey to Viksit Bharat, and it is you who will make this journey possible. Speaking at the event titled Viksit Bharat@2047The Voice of the Youth, Mr. Jaishankar said he sees the next 25 years as a period of opportunities and new challenges.

No political reference

Meanwhile, the Center on Tuesday told the Delhi High Court that its now-completed Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra was aimed at reaching out to the excluded and was devoid of any political references or insignia. The central government made the remarks in response to a PIL plea against the alleged use of civil servants and defense personnel in the conflict.yatraas well as the installation of selfie points with signs bearing the Prime Minister's photo.

(With inputs from PTI)




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