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Festival favorites: Spring and summer events planned in Hancock County – The Daily Reporter

Festival favorites: Spring and summer events planned in Hancock County – The Daily Reporter
Festival favorites: Spring and summer events planned in Hancock County – The Daily Reporter


A volunteer prepares an order during the annual Strawberry Festival at Bradley United Methodist Church. This year's festival will take place on June 14.

Daily Reporter file photo


A volunteer prepares an order during the annual Strawberry Festival at Bradley United Methodist Church. This year's festival will take place on June 14.

Daily Reporter file photo

GREENFIELD's summer festival season is upon us, with art, music, food and fireworks lined up to celebrate across Hancock County.

The first of the events kicks off this weekend, with a community-wide strawberry festival, family carnival, market and car show.

Here's a look at what and where to expect this spring and summer:


THE Shirley Strawberry Festival will take place this Saturday, May 18. The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Jane Ross Reeves Octagon House, 400 S. Railroad St., Shirley and will feature strawberries, vendors and entertainment.

Come to the Hancock County Fairgrounds this Saturday to Zoeys Place Carnival. The event, from noon to 3 p.m., will feature bounce houses, games, prizes, live music and more as part of a fundraiser for the Zoeys Place Child Advocacy Center. Visit or for more details.

THE Market in McCordsville And Cars and coffee both will debut this Sunday, May 19 at Town Hall Park. Cars & Coffee is a regular event from 9am to 11am to meet local car enthusiasts. The market runs from noon to 3 p.m. and features local artisans, small businesses and food products. Both events are free and will take place throughout the summer and fall on June 9, July 14, August 18, September 15 and October 6. Visit for updates. City Hall Park is located at 6280 W. 800N., McCordsville.


Downtown Greenfield will celebrate art on June 8 at Outdoor Painting and Will Vawter, juried exhibition and art sale. Both events are hosted by Hancock County Arts; The paint-out invites anyone to paint outdoors with a chance to win cash prizes while the exhibit will feature artistic pieces at the Twenty North Gallery in downtown Greenfield. Both events are in memory of local resident Will Vawter, who painted outdoor landscapes in a French-influenced impressionist style in the early 1900s. For more details, visit

The sweet taste of summer will be celebrated during the 40th edition Greenfield Strawberry Festival June 14. Featuring live entertainment, fresh and frozen berry ice cream and homemade shortbread on the corner of Pennsylvania and Main streets in Greenfield. The event, hosted by Bradley United Methodist Church, runs from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and costs $8 at the door; Proceeds benefit eight local nonprofit organizations located in or near downtown.

Agriculture, food and fun are on the horizon June 18-28 at the annual conference Hancock County 4-H Fair. The new 10-day schedule includes a carnival the first five days and animal shows the second half. Several shows, musical groups, games and shopping opportunities will be present throughout the event; visit for updates

Summer Festival in New Palestine offers food, beer, wine and free admission to several musical concerts June 21-22 at 11 E. Main St., New Palestine. Visit for updates.

Party in the Park in McCordsville from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on June 29. The second annual event celebrates local businesses, organizations and neighbors and includes free activities like balloon twisting, harness trampoline jumping, an inflatable obstacle course and an outdoor movie at dusk. City Hall Park is at 6280 W. 800N., McCordsville. Visit for updates.

Children dance with a police officer at the first party in the park last year in McCordsville. This year's event will take place on June 29. Daily Reporter file photo


Fortville Summer Festival is a day of celebration with friends and family at Landmark Park. Scheduled for 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. on July 13, the community event features bounce houses, face painters, vendors, live music and fireworks at dusk. Visit to learn more.

Hancock County Community Night is a free family event from 5-8 p.m. July 17 at the Hancock County Fairgrounds. Meet with public safety officials, talk to nonprofits, pick up free school supplies, get your child's car seat checked, and play on inflatables just before school starts in the new year . Visit for updates.

THE Pennsy Trail Art Fair and Music Festival will take place July 27 in downtown Greenfield. The annual event features live music and dance performances, as well as vendors on the courthouse square and is a fundraiser for Mental Health Partners of Hancock County.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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