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Cannes 2024: 5 details from Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's first day look that you don't want to miss | Bollywood

Cannes 2024: 5 details from Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's first day look that you don't want to miss |  Bollywood
Cannes 2024: 5 details from Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's first day look that you don't want to miss |  Bollywood


When the Cannes Film Festival rolls out its red carpet in France, there is one Bollywood name that everyone is waiting for the release of: it's that of Aishwarya Rai. This year, the Bollywood actor was back at the film gala and made a splash with her dramatic black and white dress. (Also read: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's look at Cannes 2024 forces us to revisit 5 times her sartorial choices that left us unmoved)

Aishwarya Rais was first spotted on the Cannes 2024 red carpet at the premiere of Megalopolis.
Aishwarya Rais was first spotted on the Cannes 2024 red carpet at the premiere of Megalopolis.

The actor, who represents the beauty of L'Oral at the festival, made his first appearance at the film festival with the premiere of the Hollywood film Megalopolis.

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For the outing, she chose a custom Falguni Shane Peacock couture. Her dress featured the perfect combination of black and white and was meticulously crafted with stunning hand-hammered flowers and molten gold plates, making it a true work of art. And there are a lot of things that stand out from this release. We list five of them:

Cast arm

Aishwarya's right hand may have been injured, causing her to wear a white cast on the red carpet, but that couldn't dampen her red carpet charisma. She made quite an impact in a dramatic black dress and puffy sleeves, which seemed to complement her hand cast. As a result, it looked more like a prop than a cast. She dominated the evening with her grateful poses, radiant smile and exuberance.

Tied Hair After Months

This time, she ditched her usual sleek straight hair for an updo with brown highlights. To complete the experience, she opted for chunky gold half hoop earrings, which made quite a statement and put all the emphasis on her expressions. Fans were happy that Aishwarya looked resplendent in a different hairstyle that brought out her features.

Hand-beaten golden flowers

There was a touch of gold in his output. The highlight of her dramatic look was the golden flowers adoring her dress, which added a bit of drama to her look. Her train, which flared from the end of her dress, was decorated with numerous hand-beaten golden flowers. According to Vogue, designers Falguni and Shane Peacock used the golden flowers to honor the actor and signify a certain timelessness in the actor's life and career.

Helping hand from my daughter

Aishwarya's daughter Aaradhya was seen walking hand in hand to help her during her red carpet outing. Since Aishwarya's right arm was injured and in a cast, Aaradhya made sure her mother was comfortable when she stepped out of her hotel. Several videos of the moment have emerged on social networks, and are winning hearts.

Nude pink shade

In a subtle change from her usual dramatic red lip, Aishwarya opted for a more subtle outing at Cannes in 2024. For her makeup, she kept things minimal and opted for winged eyeliner that accentuated her eyes and completed the look with a nude pink lip shade. Her look radiated charm and sophistication.




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